Fuck weed. All drugs should me made legal again.

I don't think government money should be spent on rehabilitating drug addicts. I think its a waste of money.

Please dont equate that with me saying drug education/rehab is a waste.
Neckhole said:
I think most people can agree that the casual user is not the problem

If drugs were cheaper, would addicts use less? Would they mug fewer people, or panhandle less on the corner if they could score cheaper crack?


The problem with legalizing the drugs, the only thing you can do to hurt the cartels and take crime out of it, is to bring prices down by increasing the supply. If the price comes down low enough, it stops being as profitable to smuggle it in and risk imprisonment.

But in that case, more drugs will be available at a cheaper price to people who already spend as much of their money possible on drugs. I hardly doubt their spending habits will change much in the instance prices come down.

You hurt cartels because you can go down to the local pharmacy and pick up your drugs from the government in a cheaper and safer environment. Individual spending habits don't matter - maybe they buy more crack every week with the same amount of money, so what? At least now that money is going to the government instead of the pockets of some dealer in the crack house on the corner.

Legalizing drugs wouldn't decrease crime or addiction rates at all.

Wrong. It inherently decreases crime because nobody is getting arrested for drug violations. Furthermore, because drugs are cheaper (as we saw above), less violent crimes are needed to get addicts who can't otherwise find money the cash they need to get their fix. The government can also put money towards programs that help people quit or replace their addictions (methadone, anyone?) and become productive members of society. Schools can other organizations also have more money (from the government, naturally) to educate individuals about the dangers of drug use, the ways to get help, etc.
Neckhole said:
I don't think government money should be spent on rehabilitating drug addicts. I think its a waste of money.
What do you think they should do then? Send them flowers and a Get Well Soon card?

Or just ignore the huge problem?

Or is prison the answer...

I think the "drug war" itself is pretty inane and stupid, and a huge waste of money, but rehabilitation programs help a lot more people than you think. As a tax-paying citizen I'll gladly pay my share for some government subsidies for these programs.

Besides, the good programs are the ones you have to privately pay for anyway :shrug:
Neckhole said:
I think most people can agree that the casual user is not the problem

If drugs were cheaper, would addicts use less? Would they mug fewer people, or panhandle less on the corner if they could score cheaper crack?

The problem with legalizing the drugs, the only thing you can do to hurt the cartels and take crime out of it, is to bring prices down by increasing the supply. If the price comes down low enough, it stops being as profitable to smuggle it in and risk imprisonment.

But in that case, more drugs will be available at a cheaper price to people who already spend as much of their money possible on drugs. I hardly doubt their spending habits will change much in the instance prices come down.

Legalizing drugs wouldn't decrease crime or addiction rates at all.

It would decrease crime significanty. Once drugs become legal, cartels will cease to be, because drugs can now be grown at home. If drugs were cheaper, addicts would probobly use the same ammount, but because it isn't as expensive anymore, they will have no motivation to mug people, steal cars, etc.
scy7he said:
If drugs were cheaper, addicts would probobly use the same ammount, but because it isn't as expensive anymore, they will have no motivation to mug people, steal cars, etc.
Do you think the number of addicts would increase if all sorts of drugs were readily available to the public?
BeavisNuke said:
What do you think they should do then? Send them flowers and a Get Well Soon card?

Or just ignore the huge problem?

Or is prison the answer...

I think the "drug war" itself is pretty inane and stupid, and a huge waste of money, but rehabilitation programs help a lot more people than you think. As a tax-paying citizen I'll gladly pay my share for some government subsidies for these programs.

Besides, the good programs are the ones you have to privately pay for anyway :shrug:

I think that if people are addicts, then they should pay to get in order to get into the program.

If I get sick, I pay all my doctor's bills.
Neckhole said:
I don't think government money should be spent on rehabilitating drug addicts. I think its a waste of money.

Please dont equate that with me saying drug education/rehab is a waste.

yea... let's increase the chance that they'll rob & kill you
Neckhole said:
I think that if people are addicts, then they should pay to get in order to get into the program.

If I get sick, I pay all my doctor's bills.

The problem is that many addicts spend all their money on their addiction, and thus HAVE no money to pay for rehabilitation.

Oh, and do you pay all your doctor's bills before or after your employer's/whoever elses insurance?
BeavisNuke said:
Do you think the number of addicts would increase if all sorts of drugs were readily available to the public?

Most likely, but not significanty. Do you believe that people who want drugs can't get them if they wanted?

Furthurmore, the United States shouldn't be in the buisness of taking away the rights of it's citizens because of a small minority of people who can't control themselves.
gtg. I'm bringing in a reliever. Sp3xx, my trusted right hand man, will be entering the thread soon.
scy7he said:
Most likely, but not significanty. Do you believe that people who want drugs can't get them if they wanted?
Obviously people who wants drugs get drugs, but if Ecstasy started showing up on every coffee table at every thirtysomething party in America I'd imagine our situation would be no worse off than before, only different.

We're basically damned if we do and damned if we don't.
PoorDoggy said:
The problem is that many addicts spend all their money on their addiction, and thus HAVE no money to pay for rehabilitation.

Oh, and do you pay all your doctor's bills before or after your employer's/whoever elses insurance?

I pay for all of my Doctor's bills via the health insurance I receive from my employer. Its part of my salary.
I imagine the way to accomplish this goal would be baby steps.

Gradually begin legalizing more "social" drugs like marijuana and ecstasy and study the relevant statistics and such to determine trends, then look at the feasibility of legalizing more hardcore drugs like cocaine.
BeavisNuke said:
We're basically damned if we do and damned if we don't.

So if a change in policy is going to result in nothing other than the status quo, it seems to me as if a change in policy would be costly, time-consuming, and pointless.
BeavisNuke said:
Obviously people who wants drugs get drugs, but if Ecstasy started showing up on every coffee table at every thirtysomething party in America I'd imagine our situation would be no worse off than before, only different.

We're basically damned if we do and damned if we don't.

God forebid peopel excersise their god given right to put whatever they want in their body.
BeavisNuke said:
Obviously people who wants drugs get drugs, but if Ecstasy started showing up on every coffee table at every thirtysomething party in America I'd imagine our situation would be no worse off than before, only different.

We're basically damned if we do and damned if we don't.

x is readily available to anyone who wants it.. and also, its the type of drug that its users (if properly educated about) don't do too oftenly..

the problem with it though is you never really know what the fuck is in that pill your taking, something which government regulation can and will eliminate.
Sp3xx said:
God forebid peopel excersise their god given right to put whatever they want in their body.

And God forbid the country in which such actions are illegal exercises its right to incarcerate you.