Fuck, these guys are crazy [vid]


Veteran X
Amazing Base JumpVideo

Those fly byes they do next to that turn in the road are fucking sick. I'd love to get some HD footage of this. It looks like over in Norway, but I'm not sure. (Unless the dude said, I don't have my sound up at work)
You don't really realize how fucking fast they are going until you see how quickly dude approaches the road and then disappears. They are like goddamn bullets. I am a massive pussy so I will never do this, but it would be amazing if there was no death.
last night i saw a HD discovery channel type show on adrenaline

they were showing all these people base jumping- it was so facinating and amazing because it was high definition
holy shit that's going on my list of things to do before i die

skydiving was so boring compared to doing something like that
the show said there arent very many people that basejump, and almost everyone that basejumps knows atleast someone that has died from it

but that adrenaline rush and the endorphines and stuff produced keep them coming back for more
i want to jump off the empire state buliding

although they have metal detectors and more security than the airport nowadays so i don't know how i would sneak a parachute up to the observatory deck.