[fuck] can't find a decent fucking pair of jeans

I had the same problem, back in high school I would pretty much only wear silvertab carpenter jeans because I liked the fit. I could never find another brand I liked, and those silvertabs last for fucking ever.

I tried on some American Eagle Boot cut classic jeans and I switched to them exclusively. Yeah you step on them when you have no shoes on but so what.

The problem is with American Eagle, every year their jeans fit differently. This year the boot cut jeans are tighter, not a big fan of showing off my junk.
cheaper good jeans


when i buy jeans, i get 203 pairs of levis at once. they all last only about a year before stuff falls off, but they are cheap and comfy. my belt loops always break off firs, followed by a hole in the ass. every pair is the same.
diesel jeans are the shit

laugh all you want about buying nice clothes but i'd rather look like a hipster douchebag then a redneck who wears jeans from walmart

Jeans are hard to find for me because of the size. For some fucking reason they make tons of 34x30s and 44x30 for the rollypollies but make 1 pair per style at 38x34. Is not one tall and fat? Just short and fat?

I agree, i wear 40x34's and this is my problem also. Although I always find good pairs of 38x34's but no 40's
i got a pair of lucky brand for like $40 and they're pretty comfortable

bam would probably suggest diesel or true relgion some shit

aka $200-$300 jeans
nothing wrong with walmart jeans... get 2 or 3 pairs for the price of 1 pair of expensive jeans and then you can destroy a pair or 2 and not feel bad.

when you ride horses, motorcycles, work on cars, do construction projects, go hunting/camping, etc then your fancy hollister jeans are just gonna cost more when they get destroyed.

but they are good for hanging at the mall and playing computer games