Frustrated - Trying to progress

Great White

Veteran X
I started playing WoW a little while after it was released and leveled to 56. I guess I got bored and quit, but a little over 2 months ago I started up again because a buddy at work mentioned that he played. So I quickly leveled to 60 on Wildhammer and that leaves me where I am now. I've been playing BG's a lot to build up my rank because I thought that would be the fastest way to guarantee some epic items. I didn't play at all 1 week just because I was way too busy and my honor went from bordering rank 8 to halfway through rank 7. So that sucked, because now I have to gain that all back again... It's expecially annoying because on Wildhammer the Horde own PvP. I'd say Alliance wins 2 out of 10 BG's.

I haven't raided much because I'm part of a small guild, so I mainly try to get in PUG's, which end up being wipes A LOT. Other than that, it's the 5 man instances once in a while to break the PvP grind, but that only allows for a certain level of weapon/armor.

I guess I'm just getting really bored with the game again, because I haven't really seen my weapons/items/character improve that much. I'm a Rogue, using Lobo MH and Assassination Blade OH for the +crit, (I would use a dagger off hand if I had a better one). My armor is mainly blue/set pieces. Tier 0.

What could you guys recommened I do to sorta climb off this plateau? Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
stop playing and buy an fps. you will be happier.

I like WoW, and prefer to sink my free time into a game that I can continually upgrade my character the more I play. I'm an experienced player, so it's not that I suck or play infrequently, I'm just sorta stuck in this guild because it's made up of people I work with.
Not sure how good your server is but we have some pretty damn good MC, BWL, and C'thun pugs that run on Illidan. Good way to get some gear without spending too much time.
I suggest trying to get your guild to start into the 20 man raids - the first boss in aq20 is easy, and zg is generally pretty easy.

There are some tier 1 quality purples/blues that can drop in zg - the nicest part is that you do not need any resistance gear to do well/finish the instance. Skip the edge of madness fight though, it's intended to be very difficult.

I would not be pvping atm unless you are extremely close to the gear you want. Once the next patch hits, the current pvp system is being revamped. Rank 10 on my server requires about 400k honour in a week - unless you forsee yourself pvping non-stop for a couple weeks, it is a terrible way to aquire gear.

And as other's suggest, there maybe pug aq20/zg/mc runs on your server - if so, get in on them.
I like WoW, and prefer to sink my free time into a game that I can continually upgrade my character the more I play. I'm an experienced player, so it's not that I suck or play infrequently, I'm just sorta stuck in this guild because it's made up of people I work with.

It takes a while sometimes to upgrade your gear. I also have a rogue on Wildhammer but I haven't used her in a while. Her gear sucks (pretty much BRD/UBRS blues) because I was guildless for so long and I left to play Horde on Deathwing and found a good casual guild. Lets me play end-game without sacrificing my life to raiding.

It does take a while to upgrade your gear, but I have seen with rogues if you're not raiding consistently it's usually worth it to get Shadowcraft and upgrade what you can to Darkmantle. That is assuming you don't really see MC too often. Getting gear is also largely luck of the draw even if you raid a lot. Our rogues on Deathwing have been too lucky, their gear drops pretty much every single time we go raiding. Couple of times seeng 3 - 4 pieces of nightslayer drop in one three hour stint in MC, and the hunters and shamans get shafted (7 - 8 full runs and seen maybe 2 Giantstalker and zero Earthfury).

So you either tough it out and raid on some kind of schedule and hope your gear drops and you get it via whatever looting system you are using or you quit and play another game.
Not sure how good your server is but we have some pretty damn good MC, BWL, and C'thun pugs that run on Illidan. Good way to get some gear without spending too much time.
How is illidan alliance? welcoming of new players?

I'm thinking of rolling there in prep for expansion. After selling my main account. My slates clean, and really i can choose any server to roll on, and i'd love to go somewhere where there is a good bunch of alliance and fellow TW peeps.

AND in response to this thread, on nights when you'd usually run crappy PUGS (PUGS will drive you to hate the game, trust me), find a guild that runs ZG/AQ20 instead. Takes about the same time as a crappy pug if you count all the whipes and wasted time, and the loot is 5x better progession wise. There are even ZG/AQ20 pugs these days, so you may not even have to change guilds.

By the time you are equipped from some ZG/aq20 stuff, expansion will be out and you'll be ready to keep leveling and won't have to ever worry about guilding up for the 40 mans.
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I started playing WoW a little while after it was released and leveled to 56. I guess I got bored and quit, but a little over 2 months ago I started up again because a buddy at work mentioned that he played. So I quickly leveled to 60 on Wildhammer and that leaves me where I am now. I've been playing BG's a lot to build up my rank because I thought that would be the fastest way to guarantee some epic items. I didn't play at all 1 week just because I was way too busy and my honor went from bordering rank 8 to halfway through rank 7. So that sucked, because now I have to gain that all back again... It's expecially annoying because on Wildhammer the Horde own PvP. I'd say Alliance wins 2 out of 10 BG's.

I haven't raided much because I'm part of a small guild, so I mainly try to get in PUG's, which end up being wipes A LOT. Other than that, it's the 5 man instances once in a while to break the PvP grind, but that only allows for a certain level of weapon/armor.

I guess I'm just getting really bored with the game again, because I haven't really seen my weapons/items/character improve that much. I'm a Rogue, using Lobo MH and Assassination Blade OH for the +crit, (I would use a dagger off hand if I had a better one). My armor is mainly blue/set pieces. Tier 0.

What could you guys recommened I do to sorta climb off this plateau? Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.

Firstly, I'd find a guild that emphasized raiding. The best guilds are hard to get into, but on my server (Dalvengyr) there is sort of a confederation of smaller raid guilds (mostly the players not up to snuff to be in the top guilds) that get together on a regular schedule to raid. They find out who all is interested, get everyone together, and follow a pretty set pattern so people will know what they're doing and therefore not as many wipes.

The higher end guilds will run Naxx and AQ40 like 5 times a week, depending on who needs what from each dungeon. If you're bored with WoW as is, try taking it to the next level and saying "Okay, my char is level 60 and I've got nothing to show for it. This is what I want, and I'm going to go for it." I've got my own personal account with a 56 Rogue right now and I've decided that I'm going to build a T0 set, then upgrade real quick to T.5 so I can start doing some actual raiding before I leave for Texas and become someone not to be fucked with.

The 60 Rogue I've been playing lately (belongs to a friend, we share him cause he doesn't play much) has full T2 and full Deathdealers, part of T3 (Bonescythe) as well as Strikers Mark, the Blessed Qiraji Pugio and Harbinger of Doom on a seal fate spec. Theres nothing like busting out a 3290 damage crit to kill someone in one hit on an ambush.

So if you really wanna PvP and really be somebody (in the game at least), and the idea of seeing some crazy shit that most people won't see because they're either not that dedicated or not that good, then I think you should check out a raid guild and see if that does it for you.

Also, if you want to see the advantages of having a Rogue with some badass gear, make an alliance alt on Dalvengyr and whisper Code.
Thanks for all the responses. That's the plan then. Find an AQ20 casual guild or group that runs PUG's and try to get on a schedule with them.

I find it sad that the game requires absolutely so much time/grinding to get certain high level weapons/armor/items. Specifically PvP. After a while it becomes more than a game, it becomes a responsibility to try and keep up with everyone else. No wonder some people resort to bots and other cheating programs.
I'm Alliance, unfortunately... How do you like the Shaman? I was contemplating making 1 when the Exp. hits.

I love shamans for pvp. I really like the fact that shamans are really versatile in PVP and can last a long time when played right. I have a 60 mage as well, with much better gear, but I still prefer pvping with the shaman.

PVE-wise, I find healing boring. Also, it's hard to find a good pve endgame guild for shammys. This trend may even get worse after the expansion pack, since pallies are generally prefered over shammys for pve.

Hope that helps.
Once both are available, I would guess you will see both pally and shaman in an ideal raid group because they bring very different things to the table. One is not better or worse than the other. There will probably be 7-10 healer spots in a BC 25 man raid, meaning that there is space for both.