free opsayo

Well there's the known, and the unknown. And in between are the doors.

So maybe the answer to your problem is Jim Morrison.
idk what amadeus is talking about but i think tribes is dead
tribes is indeed dead


x + y = 1
x * y = 0

We have two equations and two variables, but there's more than one solution because our variables aren't independent.

Meditate on this deep truth that you were supposed to learn in 8th grade.
dacthehork would claim the prize automatically then slit his wrists an hour later once weve lambasted him
are we still obsessing about this? because I had to correct my solution:

rearranging gives:
M*I = M*m1*(r1^2) + M*m3*(r2^2) - (m3*r2 - m1*r1)^2
where M = m1 + m2 + m3

after expanding the square, (m3*r2)^2 and (m1*r1)^2 cancel out so we're left with:

M*I = (m1*m2 + m1*m3)*r1^2 + (m1*m3 + m2*m3)*r2^2 + 2*m1*m3*r1*r2

(M*I)/(m1*m3) = (1 + m2/m3)*r1^2 + (1+ m2/m1)*r2^2 + 2*r1*r2

if we subtract the equation containing m3' (the notation dn(...) means subtract the term containing mn' from the term containing mn):

d3((M*I)/(m1*m3)) = d3(1+ m2/m3)*r2^2

(since 2*r1*r2 cancels out and d3(1+ m2/m1) = 0)

if we subtract the equation containing m1'

d1((M*I)/(m1*m3)) = d1(1+ m2/m1)*r1^2

whence r1 and r2 can be calculated (only positive roots have physical meaning, so there's no ambiguity)

(problem from this thread)
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idk what amadeus is talking about but i think tribes is dead

using another example.

You want to know the work done on an object that fell 20 feet.
It has a mass of 20kg.

So you a = -9.8
you know m is 20 and d is 20.
You have 3 variables and you need a 4th which is "unknown".
ma = F
W = FD

Get it?
Rearrange equations to get your 3rd variable.