Fraps 2.0

-A- ...Lost?

Veteran XV
new version released with new interface and functionality.

the downer is that its now shareware at 25$ - but the demo version is unlimited and only the video-capture functionality is decreased for the non-registered version.

however, as an incentive...the new registered version is capable of full-speed video-capture at a sick-ass 1024x768 resolution (as opposed to the previous version only supporting up to a weak 640x480)
nVidia says its not a valid tool to judge FPS, so they must be right.

But thanks for the heads up, Ill grab it :) Even though you didnt provide a link...
I recorded some in BF: 1942 DC mode, and when I went back to play it, the movie was all garbled :(
Oops, Im on 3.5 cats. How often do they update fraps, or do they do some sort of patch for it?
Emilee said:
I recorded some in BF: 1942 DC mode, and when I went back to play it, the movie was all garbled :(
u should be fine then. It states 'at least', so ur one better than the baseline essential drivers.

edit: then again, with these vcard makers screwing with stuff lately, who knows what will and won't work. :shrugs:
Im glad you brought that up.

The ATi fanatics said that nvidia was just grasping at straws when they started saying that Fraps was not accurate.

Well it turns out nvidia were right. One of the listed fixes of the new FRAPS version states that an accuracy adjustment was made for like 'lost frames'.

Like everything else thats been thrown at nvidia, the same issue reveals the real problem...the FX chip is so different, so much a step forward, that most 3rd party tools make it look bad. While ATi has just basically upgraded (rather slightly too) their 9700Pro with a few basic enhancements, stayed with essentially 2001 technology and done what it takes to please 3dmark and other tools of the Hardware Reviewers (critics).

ATi definitely has the , currently, smarter implimentation of FullScreenAntiAliasing and AnisotropicFiltering (actually AF is more quality on the nvidia, but thats not neccesarily smarter. its alot slower) and thats what all the ATi guys can trumpet...but dont be fooled...these are simply DRIVER-LEVEL FUNCTIONS and a new revision of the Detenator or Catalyst can change everything.
Every in-game FPS counter, and fraps were always the same. Even nVidia fans said they were crazy for calling it not reliable.