For those of you with kids...


Veteran X
Is it worth it? If you had to do it all over again would you have kids or not?

Every girlfriend I've had quickly got to the point of either wanting me to ask them to marry them, or to give her a kid/kids. I was married and when the ex told me she had to have a kid, I just couldn't go through with it.

Convince me kids are worth having...
Kids are awesome, and yes, I'd do it all again, but there's nothing I can say that will "convince" you.
its a catch 22, you love them more then anything , but they are the first ones you want to kill when something goes wrong :shrug:
Do you seriously expect any father to admit "Nah, even though I have a kid now I wish it never happened."
and for why? Cuz you do can do stuff like this...

You need to be grown up and mature to have kids. Which basically means, be ready to stop expecting attention and be ready to give. A woman will love her kids in a different way than you. Personally, there is no act of sex or anything else that a woman can give me that tops her giving me a child and then helping me to raise the squid. When my little boy acts like me without being taught, I see my soul in another being. It gives me great comfort to know that after I am gone, part of me lives on.

I don't know if I could have felt this way before I was a little older. I was a pretty selfish young man but marriage and kids have changed that. I found great happiness and meaning to my life. Something much deeper than personal gain or self-satisfaction.

My best advice, find a good honest woman who loves you and is commited to raising children with you. Be faithful to her and the family that you create and you will find love like you have never had before.
Brasstax said:
You need to be grown up and mature to have kids. Which basically means, be ready to stop expecting attention and be ready to give. A woman will love her kids in a different way than you. Personally, there is no act of sex or anything else that a woman can give me that tops her giving me a child and then helping me to raise the squid. When my little boy acts like me without being taught, I see my soul in another being. It gives me great comfort to know that after I am gone, part of me lives on.

I don't know if I could have felt this way before I was a little older. I was a pretty selfish young man but marriage and kids have changed that. I found great happiness and meaning to my life. Something much deeper than personal gain or self-satisfaction.

My best advice, find a good honest woman who loves you and is commited to raising children with you. Be faithful to her and the family that you create and you will find love like you have never had before.
Very well said
Brasstax said:
You need to be grown up and mature to have kids. Which basically means, be ready to stop expecting attention and be ready to give. A woman will love her kids in a different way than you. Personally, there is no act of sex or anything else that a woman can give me that tops her giving me a child and then helping me to raise the squid. When my little boy acts like me without being taught, I see my soul in another being. It gives me great comfort to know that after I am gone, part of me lives on.

I don't know if I could have felt this way before I was a little older. I was a pretty selfish young man but marriage and kids have changed that. I found great happiness and meaning to my life. Something much deeper than personal gain or self-satisfaction.

My best advice, find a good honest woman who loves you and is commited to raising children with you. Be faithful to her and the family that you create and you will find love like you have never had before.

That was great, thanks!
BigPappa said:
its a catch 22, you love them more then anything , but they are the first ones you want to kill when something goes wrong :shrug:

Man you hit the nail on the head. i got 2 and i swear there retarded sometime.
Kids are difficult, expensive, and a total disruption.

That being said, I wouldn't trade 'em for anything. The only piece of advice that I would give, is to make sure you are ready to make the *LIFE LONG* commitment. Too many people take having children too lightly.
Everyone says they dont want kids till they hit 30+. Then they get bored and want something to entertain them.

Some restrictions apply. Contact your local doctor for further information
sled said:
Everyone says they dont want kids till they hit 30+. Then they get bored and want something to entertain them.

Some restrictions apply. Contact your local doctor for further information

I waited until I was exactly 30.
I'm gonna start making another one this fall, more than likely.

We had our daughter when we were 27. I didn't want to be too old.
I live with a married couple and their kid. The kid has latched onto me, so I'm half-parent and half-friend.

You won't understand this unless you're mature enough, and you've had the kid for a little while, but they are unbelievably cute and so cool sometimes. Other times they are incredible pains in the ass and immesurably frustrating.

I'd say it really is worth it, but it's a HELL of a lot of work and frustration. It's almost like having a rabbit or something that bites you every once in a while, so you want to be really mean to it, but the rest of the time it just sits there and cuddles, and it's so cute you just don't know what to do.

I can say that, while it's tempting, I don't want kids because I'm too lazy.