Flying Car in the works

This company is pretty innovative. I heard they're also working on something called the pet rock and a jump to conclusions mat.
i'm pretty sure the flying car has been 'in the works' for about 60 years. except every prototype is a total failure besides that Moller dude or whatever his name is.
-Why did you buy the first hover car ever made!? Didn't you know it'd take time to work out the kinks?

This plurality of concepts shows that there is a perceived need for a vehicle of this type. Unfortunately, the cost/benefit of these vehicles (both in terms of development and design compromises that must be made to build a vehicle like this) never justified serious financial backing – the real need was not sufficiently acute to justify the performance sacrifices of a dual use vehicle. Consequently, the ‘flying car' was relegated to the realm of lone inventors or visionaries that had the desire but not the resources/capability to build a practical, commercially viable entity around its sale to the global general aviation community.

Terrafugia is the company that will change this paradigm and be the first to successfully bring a roadable personal air vehicle to the general aviation marketplace.

So they're saying it's a concept that's been around, but has never been successful. They also plan to change that.

:lol: sure.

anticipated price - $148,000.00
and you need to have a runway to get it off the ground. right.
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flying cars are completely fucking useless until there's a major overhaul in roads and infrastructure to support them.

the main area where you'd want one would be a place with heavy traffic. but if you're in a place with heavy traffic, you won't be able to find anywhere to land.
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need...roads.
see, that would be a useful form of flying car.

until technology gets to that point, I don't want one.

I wonder what insurance will cost on this thing? being that its fucking expensive and street legal
Assuming we ever get flying cars, that'll pretty much be the end of mankind right there. Imagine a soccer mom. Now put her in an SUV. Now give that SUV rocket fuel and give it the ability to crash virtually anywhere. That is all.
Terrafugia, Inc. is developing the Transition™. The Transition™ is a road-able aircraft in that will be able to land at the airport, fold up its wings, and drive on the road. Please follow the links on the left for more information and imagery.
i wonder if the pusher prop in back is the sole source of power?

it would be reallly loud for driving on the road