First time I ever got shit-faced : review

PsioniX said:
i dont remember the first time i got drunk

but i can guarantee that it was on vodka
First time for me was Bacardi 151, straight.

Now THAT is something I have trouble drinking these days.

Though strangely enough I took a shot of everclear last weekend and it didn't hurt too bad.
First time i got drunk...... whew, that was like 7 or 8 years ago. I think at thanksgiving when i was young. My crazy irish family got me all drunk and made me do stupid shit.

To this day i have never been drunk enough to puke.
Hoo_Man said:
First time i got drunk...... whew, that was like 7 or 8 years ago. I think at thanksgiving when i was young. My crazy irish family got me all drunk and made me do stupid shit.

To this day i have never been drunk enough to puke.
You don't deserve to be Irish.
[THE]Perrin said:
I don't remember the night the first time I drank, and I later urinated on myself, and threw up pure red wine all over some guys floor (both things I was told later)

Lemme tell you. Actually not having a single memory of an 8 hour period is fucking wierd. Especially when you hear about, and see things that you did. It's not like I was passed out. I just... Well.. Wasn't there.

However I can sure as hell tell you I didn't cry.

thats my uva5 story

minus the pure red wine part

it was almost pure beer..
Cried and screamed?

Holy shit when we were in korea, crrrraaazy australians went drinking with us... well, we were sittin there talkin to a bunch of std ridden korean hookers.... for like 5 minutes. We turn around, lost him, (we had just left a bar). We turn around, fucker is laying in a ditch like 100 yards away. Crazy koreans taking pictures and staring, and he just starts SCREAMING and CRYING.

So we hail a taxi, load his ass in the back, get back to the players village, put his ass on a luggage cart, roll him up to the English speaking floor, throw his ass in the tub, the entire time hes screaming at the top of his lungs and crying. Dry him off, put him in bed, everyone signs him with their name and country (hes naked, LOLOOEROO yes we are all gay buttsecks +++)

The entire time hes screaming his fucking ass off, meh it was something related, and im drunk.

edit*** One of the australian guys posts on TW, i was drunk and he came up to me, red my nametag and was like "Hoo_Man of tribalwar dot com?" and i hugged him, and then we talked for a little bit, as we are tribers in a foreign land. I don't remember his name i wana say it was INSANE.
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