First online experience?


Veteran XX
I go way back before the internet. My first real online interactions were on BBS's. Back then (around 91-92 or so) you could walk into any Egghead software, when they still had physical buildings and ask for a list of all the BBS's in the county and they would give you like a 2 inch stack of tractor-fed impact printer paper with tons of phone numbers.

My main hang out was a place in st. pete called Close Encounters. It was a MajorBBS based bbs with 62 lines. Back then that meant 62 physical phone lines with modems in this guys house. We would bs around online all week, then have a meet-up at local bars. The first 'internet' interaction was on that bbs using slip accounts to connect with a MajorBBS in California. usually it was for like 3-4 hours once a week.
Operation Overkill II, Tradewars 2002, and Global War (Risk) for BBS probably.
i remember getting on AOL and fucking around in chat rooms. also using The Zone to play r6 and Outwars, which was like a shittier version of tribes. bunch of us switched over from outwars to t1 when it came out
I remember playing dnd on a message board that Fool was leading

Still kinda bummed the 2nd one fell apart. I even set up a third and dropped hints about it during the 2nd. The group of mercs that Waffles ran into were going to be a one-off of evil characters on a mission where only one would survive, aliens style.
DOOM modem to modem or null modem with my buddies

then for a while there was this guy who ran a LAN cafe in Oxford who had written his own software or BBS thing called 'MADM' that you could dial into and play games of that era (Doom, Duke3D, WC2, Descent etc) as if you were on a LAN. Was great for me and my friends to be able to play more than 1v1 from the comfort of our bedrooms

a bit later there was Quake. I remember learning from a PCGamer mag how to connect to servers via the console using an IP address, and it also mentioned a website that kept a current list of active servers and IPs

I'll never forget what it was like (the excitement) painstakingly typing those numbers into the console and ACTUALLY CONNECTING TO A SERVER FULL OF REAL PEOPLE PLAYING QUAKE

it was the CTF mod, so another unforgettable memory I have is of people flying around the place crazily using the Quake axe like Thor's hammer :lol: (it was actually a grappling hook, but that's what it looks like in my memory)
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Still kinda bummed the 2nd one fell apart. I even set up a third and dropped hints about it during the 2nd. The group of mercs that Waffles ran into were going to be a one-off of evil characters on a mission where only one would survive, aliens style.

Scales wants to ride again

and now that we have discord we can actually maybe communicate via quicker medium and then make decent posts
idk my bff jill
what u think
I go way back before the internet. My first real online interactions were on BBS's. Back then (around 91-92 or so) you could walk into any Egghead software, when they still had physical buildings and ask for a list of all the BBS's in the county and they would give you like a 2 inch stack of tractor-fed impact printer paper with tons of phone numbers.

My main hang out was a place in st. pete called Close Encounters. It was a MajorBBS based bbs with 62 lines. Back then that meant 62 physical phone lines with modems in this guys house. We would bs around online all week, then have a meet-up at local bars. The first 'internet' interaction was on that bbs using slip accounts to connect with a MajorBBS in California. usually it was for like 3-4 hours once a week.

idk about Florida but here in Ontario, i think they'd only install something like a max of 16 lines to a private residence (only so many pairs available/provisioned in residential areas) so if you were a decent sized BBS u had to rent office space downtown and pay the rate for biz lines rather than home which was way more $

one of my first jobs in HS was the night-guy for a huge BBS downtown, i'd sit and fuck around on the board and the office and mostly pick my nose 'til 4am then i'd get 3-4 hrs of sleep and go to school (idk why my parents allowed this)

i remember being impressed by the room with racks and racks of 14.4k modems

ran a bunch of Telegard/Renegade based BBS's back in those days too as well as my highschools BBS

still clearly remember shutting down my BBS for the first time in like 3 years or something and the hard drive seizing forever :lol: RIP my OMG HUGE 100mb HD

also clearly remember a glitch in TradeWars2002 that had something to do with trading negative numbers of fighters with someone in ur corp allowing ships with max 200 fighter limits to have 32767 (max integer the game would accept cuz of 16 bit)
Delphi via Telenet around 94 or so. Downloaded some BBS lists off of delphi before my mom canceled it because I ran up high bills, then did the BBS thing for a few years before getting the real internet. I was hardcore into MajorMUD on a MajorBBS system that had 16 lines I think. They also had the game support thing where you could connect with SirDoom and play doom2 with other people on the BBS. That was so much fricken fun.
I connected to a system called TymeShare and ran up about $800 on my dad's system after I found Colossal Cave in about 79.
Scales wants to ride again

and now that we have discord we can actually maybe communicate via quicker medium and then make decent posts
idk my bff jill
what u think

I mean if we used discord we're just playing in real time
DOOM modem to modem or null modem with my buddies

I member those days, like 1994. My buddy brought his comp to our house and we nulled it up for Doom. Played some stupid custom map that was massive so we spent like 10 minutes just trying to find each other to kill. I eventually ran around a corner and he was standing in a doorway facing away from me, covering a giant courtyard. He never looked behind him so I crept right up point blank with the shotty. Eventually he was like "dude where are you?" and I'm like "turn around". He waited like half a sec then turned and I blasted him in the face. Good times.