First manmade quantum machine recognized by Journal of Science as top invention 2010 once?

I suppose that's one way to look at it. Quantum mechanics was the only area in college where I had trouble combine both concept + math modeling. All other stuff, whether physics, econ, chem or whatever, I tend to be able to able to derive equation from concept or looking at the equation and can understand the concept. I can either understand the concept of quantum (or try to), or do the math, but I had trouble combining both.

UCSB... the party school? inconceivable!

Their college of creative studies aren't too bad. I messed up in college application and forgot to apply there, ended up getting into engineering over at UCSB, oops. I was interested in their college of creative studies as they allowed me the freedom to explore more.

But yeah, UCSB is party school, I got my first F there on a midterm, ouch :( Luckily, over 1/2 of the class failed so we can replace our 1st midterm grade with our final grade completely if we ended up doing better. I spent way too much time on the beach in the beginning :(