Finally back from OCS


Veteran X
Surprisingly I pulled a Kowboy and didn't shit for about a week, but I managed not to tear my ass open when I finally did.
I just finished my first 6 weeks of OCS in Quantico, and I'll go back for another 6 in a couple years. Its pretty motivating that I'm half way to earning a commission as a Marrine Officer. It was a pretty tough time, but I respect how much worse recruits have it. The only thing officer candidates have harder is the physical events in my opinion. I came prepared, but I was amazed how tough the physical training was.
Anyway, when is the Vengeance demo going to be public?
Good 'ol Brown field.
How did you like the trains?
Did you count how many times you went over the ramp to chow?

edit: congrats!
I was sure counting down the trips over that damn bridge during the last week. And the trains were a pain in the ass. One went by blasting its horn during graduation and jacked up the cadence.