
Your basic Arachnid warrior isn't too smart, but you can blow off a limb and it's still 86 percent combat effective. Here's a tip: Aim for the nerve stem, and put it down for good.
Should be fun to live during the middle ages, where "incarcerated felons" are considered less than animals and death sentences #jihadstyle are a thing, amirite

anubis the low iq serial killer doesn't think there should be long-term consequences for being a violent idiot
anubis the anthropologist doesn't realize that medieval jail sentences were very light compared 2 the ~OPPRESSIVE AND RACIST~ sentences being given out 2 blak doods for shit like selling loose cigarettes today

p.s. anoobis, these violent criminals r supposed 2 get their voting rights back after they serve their time in prison. if states interfere w/ that, then senator COREY "BOOKER T" BOOKER will fking send them in2 bolivian w/ a spinaroonie
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We should bring back the stocks. People are less likely to commit crimes if everyone else got to throw lettuce at them.

"I'm afraid Bernie is too far..." :sunny:
jfcccccccc i m sucha fukn wyte trash fukn pussyass disgr8c 2 my own fukn race frenz n famly dis y it b hurtn soooo fukn much 2 b wakkn up evry fukn day o my chitlyfe jfccccccc FFFFFFFUKME N FFFFFFFUK U 2 MOM FUKKKKKKK

wyte trash fukn pussyass l0s3r disgr8c 2 him own race no him alway b soundn lykkit 2 wtf lma0 smdh lol :jester:
because he is an idiot.

we'll see what he has to say

here's my take:

socialism appeals to the lowest common denominator (dregs of humanity). it's a system designed to rob initiative from the creative and entrepreneurial (freedom and liberty) v. paying / supporting people who arent worth what they are being paid. there's no point in being exceptional since the dickhead working next to you gets paid the same and doesnt do any work. why work when you get paid no matter what? there's a russian saying from the soviet union times: "we pretend to work, they pretend to pay us"

you cant get very far in a system designed for equality of outcome or out of favor with the political class. you do not have individual Rights, you have privileges that the ruling class says you can have. you have the illusion of voting when the reality is that socialism is an authoritarian ideology where you have no say in it. socialism is still socialism, there's nothing 'democratic' about it all. all power resides with the State, not the individual.

dont think so? Ok, look at former soviet union, eastern EU bloc countries, DPRK, venezuela, china, etc. the EU isnt really socialist, they are capitalist nations with a very heavy emphasis on Nanny Statism - wannabe socialists - now burdened with low birth rates and needing to import future taxpayers to absorb their exorbitant social services costs since the US foots a large chunk of their defense bill (as the US goes deeper into debt).

ive never heard a convincing argument about socialism. sounds great on paper and thats about it. perhaps our aspiring gas station clerk can dispel that?
but.. but.. -SS- socialism eventually leads to communism where the state no longer exists and everyone is happy and healthy in a utopia.

with that said, i support some form of medicare for all (MUST HAVE COPAYS), but only if major concessions are made on immigration. #1 start by getting rid of birthright citizenship.
with that said, i support some form of medicare for all (MUST HAVE COPAYS), but only if major concessions are made on immigration. #1 start by getting rid of birthright citizenship.

i'm intrigued

mind elaborating?

not trollin' ya
but.. but.. -SS- socialism eventually leads to communism where the state no longer exists and everyone is happy and healthy in a utopia.

with that said, i support some form of medicare for all (MUST HAVE COPAYS), but only if major concessions are made on immigration. #1 start by getting rid of birthright citizenship.

Getting rid of birthright citizen ship ensures the only way to be an american is by paying the government massive money and waiting 10 years.. Seems well thought out. Sorry Johnny we could barely afford college as it is but we still gotta get ur citizenship to go through.