[FeedBack] ServerSide Feature

Everyone's a noob once.

Doesn't need to be a "feature" of the game to turn off vehicles.

Other gametypes dont' have vehicles (Ball, Arena, etc).

Certain maps don't have vehicles.

Make a Mod.
Personally I think its a great idea. A hand full of people find them entertaining, but most people find them annoying. We can make both people happy. :]
Seriously, the only major problem is that the vehicles don't fill support roles. The bomber, tank, and pod don't support basic infantry, they replace the need for infantry. The rover is the only vehicle in a support role with it's forward spawning ability.

For all intents and purposes vehicles are just a fourth class of armor (one without ammo limits, increased armor, and in some cases higher average speeds). Vehicles are just a total pain to balance in relation to the three basic armor classes. I know people expect vehicles after T2, but they really should have some sort of limits to how much better than players they are.

I'd say there should be a refueling station similar to the player refueling station near the vehicle pads on winterlake phoenix side, and vehicles should have to resupply by flying next to the station to regain health and ammo, somewhat low to the ground. That way they can't just stay fly around spamming willy nilly all map, they have to choose their shots and conserve ammo, then are vulnerable when refueling.