Fantasy Slut League, Piedmont High School (Oakland)

I would have been as terrible at that as I am at fantasy football due to my lack of athletic abilities or skills with women.

I'll stick to big black guys thought.
:lol: This is actually kind of sad, but maybe I'm missing the point of this? You're starter on a team and you're getting laid no problem.
Get stoned and fucke, but then, two schools I went to was a class of 80 and another was a class of 26, +/- 10 both direction up and down grades.
The boys shouldn't have done it and the girls shouldn't have done it. THE GIRLS SET UP A SIMILAR LEAGUE. This is a problem with rude behavior by boys AND girls. It has nothing to do with how much money is in Piedmont. Much worse things happen at other high schools. This isn't to say it was ok. The boys messed up. Just like the girls messed up when they set up the exact same league. And the girls' Powder Puff league is out of control too. But it has nothing to do with Piedmont being a wealthy town. We are kids who made a mistake. Boys and girls should show each other more respect. But the witch hunters who try to blame this all on the boys are naive about their daughters. Wake up.