Fantasy/Sci-fi Book recommendations revisited

Finished last of abercrombie .

Name of the wind I'm 80pxt done. Really don't like it.

Listening to classics now, which is not great because you lose a lot listening to dense writing.

Wtb new pulp series.

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friend recommended to me The First Law Series (fantasy) by Joe Abercrombie. the characters in these books are amazing, and the story itself is good. so far (almost done with second book) I'd say this series is a must read.

I'd actually recommend the audio book version of the series over hardcopies. the guy that reads them (Steven Pacey) is outstanding and brings life to the characters unlike any other voice actor I've listened to. you can listen to the introduction to the audio book here.

steven pacey is the best narrator ive ever seen.
need to start a kickstarter for him to do the rest of ASOI&F, and redo the previous ones.

funny thing about abercrombie's audiobooks. he's got licensing issues across the pond, so a few of his books (In Cold Blood, and Heroes) were done by another narrator (the guy who did Locke Lamorra) in America ( and by Pacey in UK (

to anyone who wants to pick up abercrrombie, beware. make sure you get pacey for everything.
Yeah, as said already... The first Law. I love the different way he writes his characters.

Glokta is the shit!!!!
The way I find new books now is by going to amazon and audible, clicking through the one star and two star reviews for name of the wind, and looking up positive reviews by people who saw through the sham of this young adult harry pitter clone
I'm reading (listening) to Red Country right now. Really enjoying it so far.

Edit: Only issue I have with Pacey is how he says "grimaced"... Gree MACED
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I signed up for , even though I already have sub just because steven pacey has a reading of a new author. Realize that I'm paying audible two times since I can't cancel my .com sub because it has credits on it.

I chose this book because it looked the best out of all of paceys readings. So I basically chose it narrator first. Book second.

Couldn't find it on tpb, Usenet, audiobookbay, etc so I sucked it up and bought a account, as it was on tat marketplace.

After I enter my billing info. I am subbed to and the book is no longer available to me because of my billing credentials.


Spent 10 minutes trying to see if I could fake some London address. Fuck. Thers got to be a way around this!

So In the end used a token and got the non pacey version on .com. Gg I gave

What I want:

What I got:
Posted this before but why not repost:

A Matter for Men - David Gerrold (Book 1 of War of the Chtorr Series)

From the 80's. Amazing sci-fi. Unfortunately author is a dick and isn't going to finish the series, but it is amazing.