Family dog put down today

goshin how many damn dogs do u have? stop buying dogs

i like u but stop

u have posted tons of dog pics in last 2 years can u just get 1 dog and take care of one instead of 50 that u trade around? i gona rage bro
Goshin... not to take away from your hurt but i just did a FB log in and one of my aunts, who was talking about her dogs left and right on Christmas Eve, she just posted that two of her little dogs got out of her yard and both were squished by car and died right away.

this of course made one of my cousins go grab weapons of any and all kinds and attack said driver and then, go and attack the person who let the dogs out (neighbor). apparently the police came and didnt have to use physical force on anyone and no one went to jail but... the reason why i am telling this story is because of how much love we humans have for our animal friends.

i am sorry to hear your parents are going through with this. the only time my daughter has ever seen me cry is when my dog died and for what ever reason, my kid will forever remember that time.

when my other dog got hit by a car, and he cried out loud, every dog in the neighborhood started crying right away. the other dogs KNEW something bad happened to one of their own. . . . . .

going off topic

it boggles me that we understand the compassion in putting an animal down that is suffering

but not with humans
going off topic

it boggles me that we understand the compassion in putting an animal down that is suffering

but not with humans

Animals are innocent, even "bad" dogs. People... Not always so innocent. While I know that it is a fucked up mentality, I still find myself falling into it. I just wubs dogs dey so cute.

Sorry she's gone dude, she looked like a real sweetheart.
Animals are innocent, even "bad" dogs. People... Not always so innocent. While I know that it is a fucked up mentality, I still find myself falling into it. I just wubs dogs dey so cute.

Sorry she's gone dude, she looked like a real sweetheart.

i'm not talking about capital punishment u fuckin twit
going off topic

it boggles me that we understand the compassion in putting an animal down that is suffering

but not with humans

This, people are a wreck after putting their dog down, even if it lived a full life. I'm dreading the day when our dog grows old and I have to take her to the vet so they can put her down. Laurie will be a complete wreck for days. And no, we're not getting another, my knees are shot. Can't walk 2 times a day after this one.

The part that worries me, is people take their dog to the vet when it gets sick near the end. The vet will say a 5k operation is needed. This won't help, yet Laurie will want to do it. The other thing, is the dog will try to run away when it knows the end is near. They distance themselves from the humans. Friend came home from work and found the dog in a canal, horrible way to end things.
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You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Goshin again.

- Tapatapatapatalk
Sorry, Man.

( I had to put my 13 year old cat down a week ago.)
And , for the record... I like animals better than a lot of humans.
goshin likes to see these animals die that is why he has so fucking many of them

he'll live several of their lifetimes and he knows it and loves it
Apparently when she died she coughed up and gagged on whitish clear liquid. She usually coughed it up for two days a spell.this last one though lasted a few weeks. It was going to lead to a lung infection that would have killed her painfully soon...

goshin likes to see these animals die that is why he has so fucking many of them

he'll live several of their lifetimes and he knows it and loves it

Lol,I feed on their's delicious.
I have two.bro had one.parents have another one.ex gf and I had one.
Not so bad :p
Right, people always feel guilty about putting the dog down before they croak. Most humans know when the end is, so do the vets that put them down. In some cases, they give the shot in the car because they don't want the animal suffering any more.

We come into the world a mess, we go out a mess. Band leader had cancer, and they were telling me what happened at the end. He was also coughing up a mess that smelled real bad. Imagine hospital workers and the morgue people that have to deal with this stuff daily, now that's a dirty job.