Faction Change

I don't get the people who complain about the paid services. Do they expect them to be free or something? $10 for name change - name change should never be free, don't believe any other mmo even offers name changes, let alone free ones. $15 for name/appearance change - fair price considering it lets you change your name as well as gender, I think it'd be pretty dumb if you could change your gender for free ingame whenever you wanted to. I guess you could argue that they should let you change skin color/face for free, but they already allow you to change hair/accessories for free ingame, which should be enough for most. $25 for server xfer - I think this is the only one that's a little too much, it should be $15-20 imo. However, no other mmo offers free moves to a server of your choice, only ones to low pop servers (which wow does as well).

So, yeah, I don't understand why people scoff at Blizz for releasing new services that people have been asking for forever. You don't have to use them, but there's people out that want to.

no, it should all be free with cooldowns. blizzard is rich enough already.

its like getting a dirty plate at a restaurant and being charged for a clean one.
this game is old, a lot of people's friends have either quit.. or gone horde and their schedule or interest will not allow for another level.

i think this is a good idea, i am very curious to see how they plan on implementing everything to make it work.
I think that when you pay the $25 to xfer a toon you should be able to xfer as many toons as you'd like off the same server for the same fee. It's a joke that people with geared out alts can spend $100 just to move to a server they may end up hating then another $100 to bring them back. I've spent $75 myself transferring toons to play with Adren's guild and then move my main and a semi-geared alt back to my original server/guild. The money was worth not having to level and gear out a fresh character, but it wasn't easy getting my wife to approve spending that much money on a game I already spend money to play every 3 months.
This is a really good point.
well, there has to be some kind of deal where you're going to xfer all of your alts over if you change faction on pvp servers. otherwise, it's going to break the rules of having chars on both factions on pvp
I'm still waiting for Blizzard to take cues from SOE and make marketplaces for WoW where you can trade real money for gold/items. They're making more than enough money hand-over-fist with all these paid services + subscriptions why not add more to the cash cow? And that's not counting the rest of the Warcraft franchise...
I could only imagine how many people's lives they could ruin if they allowed real money to be used to buy ingame shit

i mean, theres not much between that and what we have right now

i know when i was addicted to wow back in HS, i got my parents to buy me 2k gold as my birthday present so i could get exalted with SW and get a horsie as a gnome
gold is one thing. gold can only go so far before there's not really anything else to buy. if they started to make it so you can buy raiding gear w/ either gold or cash, i think a lot of ppl would be really pissed off about it. there'd definitely be ppl who would hit credit limits on that shit
i mean, theres not much between that and what we have right now

i know when i was addicted to wow back in HS, i got my parents to buy me 2k gold as my birthday present so i could get exalted with SW and get a horsie as a gnome

I honestly feel bad for you :(
Faction-Change Paid Service Q/A - Wowraid

Q. Will we be able to switch between the races on our own faction?
A.. No. Players will only be able to switch to a race of the opposite faction.

Q. Will I be able to choose the race on the opposite faction that I want to change to?
A.. Yes, but you will only be able to switch to a race that has your class type available to it. So if you play a human paladin, you’d only be able to change to a blood elf paladin.

Q.How much will it cost?
A.. We do not have further information on this at this point in time.

Q.Will I be able to switch back to my original faction but a different race?
A.. No. You will only be able to switch back to your originally chosen race.

Q.. How will the switch between reputation, gear, mounts, etc be handled?
A.. We’ll have more details for you at a later point in time, though we plan to keep these as close to a reflection of the other faction as much as possible.

Q.How often can you change your faction?
A..We do not have any information to share on this at this point in time, however we will have restrictions on the frequency by which players can change their faction.

Q. How will this affect the balance of Horde and Alliance on the realms?
A.. We are taking great care in how we implement this new service in order to maintain balance between the factions on the realms but do not have any further details to share.
is there even a point to factions anymore other than for battlegrounds? :shrug:

Actually, as I understand it, this is a main motivation behind that small sect of people that insist upon the creation of a vanilla WoW server. The fact is that even with blizzard's failed attempts to induce "world pvp" scenarios into the game ever since the release of TBC, none of them have come even close to the player created world pvp scenarios of vanilla WoW (ie. BRM fights, taking over the boats/zepplins, raiding darkshire/crossroads, hillsbrad back and forth fights, holding the searing gorge gate before the thorium point flight path was introduced, fights over farming spots in tyr's hand, or even just raiding the other factions main cities just to start shit and take over their bank). I'm one to admit alot of that might be glamorized a bit in my mind because the game was fresh and new then. But, with that stated...all of those things were so fun simply because factions actually meant something then. You're right...all they are good for now are looks and min/max pvp racials. It's a shame.
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