Explain to me why "Plan B" should not be sold like candycorn from vending machines

Meanwhile, lots of unwanted pregnancies have not been stopped. Hoodlums who would have been prevented if this was available in 1999 will be robbing us in 2010 because our government dragged its feet.

*gasp for air*


You're not serious... right?
Why wouldn't he be serious, abortion prevents kids from growing up under shitty unloving circumstances which breed almost nothing but criminals.

It's a conspiracy...

Think about it, how many people become born again in prison? Churches need people to turn to crime, get arrested, and go to prison in order to fill their pews.
To be honest, I dont even like buying condoms in my small town. I usually goto a seedy convienience store late at night and buy them, that way I can minimize my Pastor walking in the door and seeing me with a pack of Trojan Magnums and a Slim Jim.

Its not that I dont want people to know Im getting laid (Im not), its just awkward to be buying rubbers from a 16 year old kid with a name tag that reads "Dude."
The answer to this problem is the answer to all the worlds problems... Religion. Stupid people who believe stupid things control those in power.
condom and BC pill. i dont want to knock my gf up. plus she has been thinking of being a serogate mother for some friends of ours. i think its a bad idea. they can adopt again
elizabeth from the view (the hot one) practically had a breakdown about the morning after pill

you can find the video on youtube.
holy shit i can't believe this guy is serious


you are just as dumb as the religious people against abortion
Question about increasing condom usage.

When using condoms is pushed onto kids these days what is stressed more? Condoms prevent pregnancy or STD's? Or maybe both.

If they pushed the STD thing over getting pregnant then maybe condom usage wouldn't drop that much at all with a pill like this.
It's not an abortion because pregnancy is never allowed to occur.

Plan B prevents the zygote from attaching to the uteran walls.
To be honest, I dont even like buying condoms in my small town. I usually goto a seedy convienience store late at night and buy them, that way I can minimize my Pastor walking in the door and seeing me with a pack of Trojan Magnums and a Slim Jim.

Its not that I dont want people to know Im getting laid (Im not), its just awkward to be buying rubbers from a 16 year old kid with a name tag that reads "Dude."


Saying "don't give them the pill, they'll fuck more" is no different from saying "don't give them condoms, they'll fuck more" or "don't teach sex ed in schools, they'll fuck more".

If the pill is safe, then release it to the public, and let them decide when to use it. This "family values" bullshit has no place in the FDA's decisons.
More conservative/religious fuckwits ignoring science and good sense to push their agenda, with the cooperation of this administration. What's new? Sadly, this is par for the course these days.
I find it mildly amusing that a pill, taken when your standard methods of birthcontrol may have failed is called "Plan B."

carry on.