[Expendables 2] There is a lot of testosterone in this one picture

I hate action movies and thought this was fantastic. Go in with the mind set that's it's making fun of itself repeatedly, on purpose, and just enjoy. I laughed way harder in this than The Campaign or any other recent comedy that has been released. (I know The Campaign was shit, obviously, but it IS supposed to be a comedy.)

Overall a fun flick to bring some buddies to.
out of curiosity, what other movies have you seen since avengers that you are placing behind these two movies?
total recall and spiderman

the movie is fun and the action is nuts. like igloo said, the movie is making fun of itself the whole time, and the humor is pretty good.

fuck, marry, kill

Movie is getting good reviews from the critics and the fans, awesome news. If I wasn't seeing the pops with John Williams tonight I'd see it today, definitely gonna go tomorrow