Europe trip cancelled..Say Hello to new summer adventure Backpackin!

Yeah, maine and the adirondacks are pretty good, but not until around august, the blackflies are out and the water is very cold (did some long camping/canoe trips like 8-10 days)

Fancy, when are you going to be in florida, i'm planning to go with a few friends after graduation...

backpack trip could be cool, i still have my pack (no tent though)... don't know about job/work stuff though.
of may or june?

whatever, post tag sucks, i'll hit you up on AIM later (after classes and shit)
Fancy I wouldnt mind florida but I wanna go out and camp ...catch fish and cook it on a fire etc. Away from people basically.

Some good suggestions though..
oh dear god we can go fishing in florida and cook it in my backyard, which will incidentally be the beach

and if you wanna be away from people i will shove you into my bathroom for a couple days

come on queerbait

ScooBySnaCk said:
Well Fancy_cat's flight school turned out to be only a week after he graduates plus all the crap over the war made me wanna stay within the borders of the good ol USA.. So Yankee and I were talkin and we thought it would be a good thing to get a few people (about 8 max) and go backpacking in some really nice place for a week or so.

I'd do Oregon coast hiking traials. But if you want a real experience come to BC and hike our coast trails (much cheaper for you) and you'll see that Canadians here are not like those in the east =D
Ahem. I understand the Chantilly, Virginia area is really nice in the summer, and you might even run into people you know.