Epic Lego Star Wars Battle Scene


Veteran X
A guy with to much time on his hands makes an incredible Star Wars battle scene with a ton of Legos.

Rebel attack! - a set on Flickr

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Holy shit, did you see that technique where he arced the walkway using a 1x1 flat spacer on the edge of the 6 x 1 blocks??! That's the most amazing thing I've ever seen!!
That's pretty cool. Reminds me of all the crazy shit I made out of Legos as a kid :)

I'm all for nerdy stuff and everything, but I think "pretty cool" is exactly what this isn't.

In fact, I'd go as far as saying it is the perfect antithesis of cool.
I'm all for nerdy stuff and everything, but I think "pretty cool" is exactly what this isn't.

In fact, I'd go as far as saying it is the perfect antithesis of cool.

Well if you're going to go with the MTV/Pop culture/Gossip magazine/celebrity bullshit view of what is and isn't "cool", then sure.

If you don't give a fuck about all that pointless shit and can recognize that this dude made something impressive, even if it does involve Star Wars, then this is pretty cool.
I'm all for nerdy stuff and everything, but I think "pretty cool" is exactly what this isn't.

In fact, I'd go as far as saying it is the perfect antithesis of cool.
DrJonez is a morbidly obese twenty-something virgin that whose parents still support him.
He has no education, no friends, and his entire life consists of sitting in front of a computer and/or TV and getting emotional about what he sees on the screen.

He is the epitome of a shut-in nerd, so it's little surprise that his definition of "cool" is a little different than that of the average adult.
DrJonez is a morbidly obese twenty-something virgin that whose parents still support him.
He has no education, no friends, and his entire life consists of sitting in front of a computer and/or TV and getting emotional about what he sees on the screen.

He is the epitome of a shut-in nerd, so it's little surprise that his definition of "cool" is a little different than that of the average adult.

Oh look, more completely incorrect information from the guy who's too afraid to show his face on the internet :lol:

Holy shit you're retarded.
DrJonez fact:
If you repeatedly refuse to play video games with him nicely, he will become enraged and hold a grudge for years.

By the way, Jonez, do you still lie about not pirating video games?
I understand why you pirate--I mean, your mom and dad support you and won't buy you things like that, but I never understood why you lie about it.