[ENRON] Skilling and Lay found guilty

GreyGhost said:
What a shocker, 9/11 just happens to be the sentencing date.

OH ! look over there , a birdie !!!

haha funny guy

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SimoHayha said:
If I were them, I would leave the country.
Why not? Ones damn near 60.
and someone as high profile and rich as they are would remain unseen for... how long?
eggo said:
and someone as high profile and rich as they are would remain unseen for... how long?

i cant disagree.. what does he have to lose? spend life in prison or.. run and at least have a 2% chance of getting away.. if you get caught.. your punishment is.. spend life in prison. id run.
I'd run as well. There are hundreds of places around the world where you can completely disappear from the law.
with lay they made a big deal about taking away his passport.. the dude knows a few people with private jets, i doubt it matters..
Actually, that's a good point - where would you go if you had tons of money and needed to hide out?
anyone watch the movie "smartest guys in the room"? good movie. I have a friend that interviewed as a trader for enron, he said they were some intense people.
xanthias said:
Actually, that's a good point - where would you go if you had tons of money and needed to hide out?

I think the question is just how much money do these guys have?

It has to be actual money that they can take with them in cash.... and I'd bet its not as much as we imagine. It takes time to actually get all your shit together and be able to relocate. They'd also be leaving behind their families, or be forced to take them along.

You'd have to have like 10-20 million in cash to just be able to disappear forever.... IMO.

And yeah, they'd go to any country that doesn't have some kind of extradition agreement with the states.
eggo said:
and someone as high profile and rich as they are would remain unseen for... how long?
Adolph Eichmann was hiding in Argentina for 16 years after the end of WWII.
Skilling or Lay could hide until he died.
Flight risk=100%