[ENOUGH IS ENOUGH] kline vir from IRC

Rayn is Tribal Messiah

RaynTW said:
Hey. I run tribalwar and I run the irc server now. I do this for free. I don't make money on TW, I lose it. I do it so the tribes community - what's left of it - has a place to congregate and be uncensored. I did this because back in 1999 the primary forum for the community (OGL) starting banning people for personal reasons. Vir was doing the same thing in IRC. If I'm going to put TW's name on an irc server, I don't want it to be censored. I just want admins that get rid of spammers and troublemakers. I don't want people getting banned because their opinion is different. Do we really need more behavior like that? This is the Internet; perhaps the only place where there is some freedom left in this world. Why take a shit on it?

I don't hate Vir - he's just not someone I want representing Tribalwar. That's what he does when he's on our server. I don't hate T:A or anyone that plays it. I hosted a T:A forum at TW for quite some time so you guys would have a place to talk without being under the boot of HiRez admins should you speak a negative word about how terrible they've treated their community. I closed it for a while after they basically told me to fuck off. This reddit isn't too fond of TW either - however, I reopened the T:A forum on TW after seeing what HiRez did and if you want someone from this place as a moderator I'll give it to you. We should not be fighting between ourselves.

I mean if you guys just want to go to Quakenet or something its no skin off my back, but I'm a reasonable guy who is offering people a place to be. I helped keep the original Tribes community together and I can help you if you want it. Or you can just stick to reddit. Whatever your thing is - but don't think I hate T:A or am biased against it, I just don't like seeing people banned unless its a really good reason. I have tried to reach out to this community before but they seem happy here. I'm just throwing it out there- you want a forum - I got one.

Any questions or concerns, e-mail me at rayn@tribalwar.com.