Elon Musk just bought Twitter

such delicious tears worth the false hope
Seems like every time I get banned from twat, something good happens. They just gave me back control of my account but I can't post, repost, like or anything. All because I asked some critter if he was retarded after he made some retarded ass post about getting another booster.
remember when juggs said this stock https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GMER?p=GMER&.tsrc=fin-srch was supposed to be like $1.50 at this point

it went to .75, if you kept hanging on, thats your problem

no it didnt you delusional fuck

Hes not delusional. He is a serial liar.

He does it so often, he doesnt even fact check what he can before spewing them

i mean shit, you even gave him the link. It took me less than 10 seconds to check what its High was.
