'Elections Have Consequences; Stolen Elections Have Catastrophic Consequences


Most Americans do not know that the US census currently counts, for purposes of voting power, all people in a district, regardless of citizenship!

Senate Democrats just voted unanimously to defeat an amendment that would have stopped counting illegals for congressional seat apportionment and electoral college (presidential) votes.

Since illegals are mostly in Democrat states, both the House and the Presidential vote are shifted ~5% to the left, which is enough to change the entire balance of power!

This is a major reason why the Biden administration is ushering in record levels of illegals and doing so few deportations.

RINOs&Dimos 'that's not enough to change anything...'
who the fuck uses porn search terms anymore unless you're looking for weird cuck shit like kitty and laverne
And many a horse is wormless for it.

Perhaps more than any other drug, ivermectin is a drug for the world’s poor. For most of this century, some 250 million people have been taking it annually to combat two of the world’s most devastating, disfiguring, debilitating and stigma-inducing diseases, Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic filariasis.

and most of these people were in....drum roll please...Africa....

Hey where is that Covid infection map again?....
Posted that last night; thanks for the bump
Today is your first day of no videos for a whole week...
unless Midge or Juggs mentions one or the other than the posting of vids shall resume...

gotta give them some incentive to at least make it through the week...


that vid is awesome don't you think? proves the stolen elections
Thank God Mike Lindell is tenacious