EA gets exclusive use of Star Wars Video Game license

Ugh I was hoping this was a joke but it's popping up every where now. Super god damn depressing. Disney keeps making some major fuck ups.
Yeah, they were blatant ripoffs in a Star Wars theme

blatant ripoffs of Battlefield, hence the name Battlefront
So is TOR officially a failure yet? I know some nerds were hanging on and raging on anyone that declared it to be a failure. I never played it, but it looked interesting in the beginning.

Also, I would play Battlefield: Star Wars

It wasn't a success (Thanks to EA and a team that couldn't figure out how to work with engine) but it wasn't a failure either.

Pretty much investors going "k make it a WoWish theme park MMO, we're sure that that and SW universe combined will keep nerds entertained". And then it backfired.

And then some genius had a great idea of buying an engine that they couldn't modify properly AND refused help from the original developers. Naturally afterwards all smart asses were just saying "lol this engine sucks so much, why did you go with it"


Generic theme park MMO set in SW universe. I've enjoyed it a lot even though it didn't turn out what it could've been.
next game in the franchise is a f2p game where you customize your power-armor-wearing-gruff-voice-jedis with lightsaber scopes and super mega power crystals

online play includes an exciting social experience for you and all your friends
So I shouldn't hold my breath on a new X-Wing/TIE Fighter then? :(

This is all I care about.. I still play tie95 for gods sake.. My forearm has tons of these:

star wars effect, featuring games that get dumber as they go on and battlefield cross promotions
Battlefront 3 will be awesome, until you find out that the original trilogy battles will be day one dlc for 9.99 each endor/hoth but you can play the shitty prequel for free...