Dust/Air filter for apartment?


Veteran X
Been delaying looking into one of these but I just can't handle the amount of dust in my apartment. I live in a one bedroom in NYC...I could dust all my musical equipment and electronics in the morning and by afternoon there is a solid coat of dust and shit already. Maybe I'm OCD or too anal but I just can't stand it. I keep my apartment very clean, but the dust remains :(

Anyone have one of those dust filter towers or anything? Do they help?
You will actually get more dust on the surface of furniture if you deionize the air. It does help though with reduceing particles floating in the air you just need to be good about dusting and I think they are worth it.

Since I have a window by a busy street I have one in the bedroom and it seems to have helped plus I like the white noise at night
Any Sharp Plasmacluster

Take no substitutes

I've had major dust problems since recent construction on my apt. building, and I've been thinking about picking up a Plasmacluster

is it really as good as ppl seem to think it is?

kinda similar to the OP, i have glasstop tables and i have to dust them literally every day it's so bad
It is really good. I have one at the office but the shitty thing is that they cover really small areas. So keep that in mind...its not really for your whole apartment unless you live in a 200 sqf bachelor
Honeywell 50250 Permanent True HEPA Air Purifier

Store > Honeywell > Air Purifiers > True HEPA > 50250 Permanent True HEPA Air Purifier

We picked up one for a 2 bedroom condo, it pretty much eliminated any dusting required. We left it on high overnight, then low during the daytime. Added benefit was it dramatically reduced the GF allergies as well.
same one i have

it doesn't make any less dust collect on my shit, i have no idea how it manages to collect all the dust from around your place. for me it just makes the air fresher, came in pretty useful in a windowless chinatown apartment
It is really good. I have one at the office but the shitty thing is that they cover really small areas. So keep that in mind...its not really for your whole apartment unless you live in a 200 sqf bachelor

so, good enough for my bedroom (12x16) at least?
It is brohan

The more expensive ones are nice too because they come with a built in humidifier. Pretty handy in the winter.