
Hey, I think this is a good thread to say something to RNJBJRNJ aka Towlie McTowelhead. (so much for all liberals being tolerant. :lol: )

The world as you know it (also known as G.W.'s world) is not the same as the real world.

Try forming some opinions of your own instead of being another uninformed conservative mouthpiece.

I kind of feel sorry for you.

kind of.
I still don't get how I'm uninformed since your entire basis for my being uninformed seems to be that I don't agree with you. :shrug:

Considering that I'm up to date on the news every single day, read this stuff, do actual political research on my own, and the like, I seriously doubt I'm uninformed...
Maybe you remember the thread where you didn't believe countries were receiving financial incentive to support the U.S. coalition to invade Iraq?
You mean the one where I asked you provide proof? And you didn't? And where you kept harping on, explaining why I'm an idiot because I disagree with you on that? Yeah, thought so.
Ok you stupid fucker, I'm done with you.

I proved the point and you acknowledged saying "Okay, lets leave it at that." and now you're saying I didn't prove it?

Just go fucking die.
When I said "Let's leave it at that," it was simply "Okay, fine, let's just agree to disagree." Whatever, though. Believe what you want.
Duh, obviously, if I don't support the ACLU, it means that I hate civil liberties and want to put all Arabs into internment camps.

Sounds like the same logic the Bush adminsitration used in regards to people who didnt support the war.
rnjbond would have been a democrat had gore won and initiated the war on terrorism. he really hates arabs that much. and anybody who has a poor opinion of the aclu is genuinely stupid. they're a legal group, the judges who decide their cases are responsible.
Baub said:
Sounds like the same logic the Bush adminsitration used in regards to people who didnt support the war.
Because Bush has obviously started interning anyone opposed to the war.

And Koy seriously doesn't know me, so he can just shut the hell up.
Eh, whatever.

The ACLU still really screws things up. Not that I'm against civil liberties or anything, but they've gone way, way too far (to be fair, I think the NRA has gone too far too, but they don't go on bringing lawsuits to court, defending pedophiles, and trying to turn America into an atheist nation).
way to be a stupid faggot, flexxxxxxxxx(fag).

fuck off liberal lap dog. suck the dick and like it.

way to be brain washed by idiots into thinking you live a miserable life and everything is horrible because of one man with checks and balances against him.

Vote Stalin in 04!
And speaking of uniformed and having one's opinions formed for them, try taking an inward glance. Holy fuck.