[Drugs 'R' Bad] Seattle is dying

So you want to get people medicated to where they are on a functioning level and then hold them forever? Wow what a concept.

A perfectly valid one. Even when "medicated to where they are on a functioning level" these people rarely if ever find gainful employment and as noted usually go off their meds and freak out again. By providing them with permanent care in a secure in-patient facility we would be protecting them from the dangers of life on the street and insuring they receive the vital care they need, hell deserve as members of a civilized society. What kind of heartless troglodyte are you?
A perfectly valid one. Even when "medicated to where they are on a functioning level" these people rarely if ever find gainful employment and as noted usually go off their meds and freak out again. By providing them with permanent care in a secure in-patient facility we would be protecting them from the dangers of life on the street and insuring they receive the vital care they need, hell deserve as members of a civilized society. What kind of heartless troglodyte are you?

It's called long term medication idjit. Even back when I was nursing they had a Haldol decanoate that lasted over a month. We have made zero strides forward when it comes to mental health. It is all about medicating the shit out of people and charging insurance. The only "treatment" that I saw that semi worked was shock therapy for depression. (yes they still do that)
Addiction is a fucked up beast... People beat it all the time and others just can't do it. Usually because of some mental disorder. Maybe medicine will create a cure one day...
A perfectly valid one. Even when "medicated to where they are on a functioning level" these people rarely if ever find gainful employment and as noted usually go off their meds and freak out again. By providing them with permanent care in a secure in-patient facility we would be protecting them from the dangers of life on the street and insuring they receive the vital care they need, hell deserve as members of a civilized society. What kind of heartless troglodyte are you?

What you are describing here is people with dementia. Happened with my father who is in an assisted living facility. Until we figured out what was going on, he was like an angry drunk. He was baker acted twice, then I put him in the facility the 2nd time. Now that he is on the medicine (Risperdal), he is happy, but can't function on his own. The workers have to bath, change his diaper, dress, medicine, everything. His short term memory is gone, doesn't remember yesterday, but knows who I am.

Here's the problem, it costs 5-6k a month for someone to live in an memory care facility. These places are like hotels, except they give medication, 3 meals a day, and some activities. The memory care side is locked down like a jail so those people can't wander off (doors have key pads).

If people can't afford a facility, they live with the kids, who have to take care of the parents until they pass. Medicare will pay for some, but those facilities are older and run down. The state can't afford to put everyone in a facility.
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Addiction is a fucked up beast... People beat it all the time and others just can't do it. Usually because of some mental disorder. Maybe medicine will create a cure one day...

brain chemistry is a tricky thing. there is some correlation with high IQ and anxiety/behavioral disorder. i think the goal should be to punish criminal behavior but to abstain from throwing into the penal (not justice) system those who may struggle with substance abuse.

some may get themselves out of the rut and some may not. your post seems to imply that the penal system method of dealing with the problem isn't optimal. i suppose i agree

What does that have to do with the liberal policies and rampant drug problems that are being ignored?

OK i admit i did not watch a minute of the 60 minute video about drug abuse and property crime aspect of the vidya (among other points). i had in mind the sanctuary city aspect which was wrong. that was based (!) on a discussion i had earlier that day. my apology.
It's called long term medication idjit. Even back when I was nursing they had a Haldol decanoate that lasted over a month. We have made zero strides forward when it comes to mental health. It is all about medicating the shit out of people and charging insurance. The only "treatment" that I saw that semi worked was shock therapy for depression. (yes they still do that)

Indeed the system is broken, but is the answer to leave them to slowly die on the streets? At least in care they have food and a warm bed and fewer predators to dodge.

Understand that I'm both altruistic and selfish simultaneously. I want them to be safe and receive some sort of treatment. I also don't want to have to interact with (i.e. be panhandled/accosted/burgled) or even see these poor souls shambling down the lane or lying in the gutter. I'm even willing to pay more taxes to make it possible.

What you are describing here is people with dementia. Happened with my father who is in an assisted living facility. Until we figured out what was going on, he was like an angry drunk. He was baker acted twice, then I put him in the facility the 2nd time. Now that he is on the medicine (Risperdal), he is happy, but can't function on his own. The workers have to bath, change his diaper, dress, medicine, everything. His short term memory is gone, doesn't remember yesterday, but knows who I am.

Here's the problem, it costs 5-6k a month for someone to live in an memory care facility. These places are like hotels, except they give medication, 3 meals a day, and some activities. The memory care side is locked down like a jail so those people can't wander off (doors have key pads).

If people can't afford a facility, they live with the kids, who have to take care of the parents until they pass. Medicare will pay for some, but those facilities are older and run down. The state can't afford to put everyone in a facility.

Good on ya for taking care of your dad, seriously. We as a society have to find a way for people who don't have loving family to get help too.
Indeed the system is broken, but is the answer to leave them to slowly die on the streets? At least in care they have food and a warm bed and fewer predators to dodge.

Understand that I'm both altruistic and selfish simultaneously. I want them to be safe and receive some sort of treatment. I also don't want to have to interact with (i.e. be panhandled/accosted/burgled) or even see these poor souls shambling down the lane or lying in the gutter. I'm even willing to pay more taxes to make it possible.

Good on ya for taking care of your dad, seriously. We as a society have to find a way for people who don't have loving family to get help too.

There is a huge difference between mental psychosis aka paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar disorder etc and the people hooked on drugs that were not previously batshit crazy.

My train of thought on this was export those drug addicted to these vacant military bases where it is policed constantly while they sober up and get clean. There is a chow hall, recreation areas, a bunk to sleep on, showers, bathrooms etc. There are also usually huge vocational arts areas for training people. I would also semi-treat this like the military. Bunk inspections, locker inspections, proper grooming and exercise daily.
Whether or not this is voluntary or not I am not sure but it would put to good use facilities that are just sitting there all over the country from base closures in the 90's.

As far as the mental health patients, I agree keep them safe until they sign off on long term medication sheet that they can not refuse (or their guardian) so it can be forced even if they feel "fine".