[drama] brother and i fisty cuff

don't listen to ppl in this thread. ppl who are always drunk and use that as an excuse to inconvenience you at every turn are rage inducing.
Lexicon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
also i was drunk last night when i wrote the first few pages

Usually a lexicon is a container for words belonging to the same language. Some exceptions may be encountered for languages that are variants, like for instance Brazilian Portuguese compared to European Portuguese, where a lot of words are common and where the differences may be marked word by word.

When linguists study the lexicon, they study such things as what words are, how the vocabulary in a language is structured, how people use and store words, how they learn words, the history and evolution of words (i.e. etymology), types of relationships between words as well as how words were created.

An individual's mental lexicon, lexical knowledge, or lexical concept is that person's knowledge of vocabulary. The role the mental lexicon plays in speech perception and production, as well as questions of how words from the lexicon are accessed, is a major topic in the fields of psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics, where models such as the cohort model have been proposed to explain how words in the lexicon are retrieved.

i didnt dictionary.com it and normally wouldnt anyway since i know the word and use it like you did
i dont know why i wiki'd it though. proved me wrong :(

dictionaried it
lex·i·con (lks-kn)
n. pl. lex·i·cons or lex·i·ca (-k)
1. A dictionary.
2. A stock of terms used in a particular profession, subject, or style; a vocabulary: the lexicon of surrealist art.
3. Linguistics The morphemes of a language considered as a group.

i dunno, maybe i read what you were trying to say wrong
that may be it
thinking more about it...
style of posting?
that would make sense
i dont remember your post now anymore to apply it
pfft, being proved wrong is awesome. It means you learned something.

How many times is someone like Orbital proved wrong, as far as he is concerned? Exactly. That shithead hasn't learned a Goddamn thing in 10 years! Being proved wrong isn't anything to hang your head about, it means you're not an idiot, so gj in admitting it and being a better man. :bigthumb:
Man, I slept on my roommate's couch countless times while I was in college. Hell, I've even slept on other people's couches from time to time.
i love sleeping on couches too
thats not the issue

if he slept on the couch a few times a month, like fri and sat from being drunk, fine whatever

he treats it like his bed, and that's the issue. When i specifically have to ask for him to NOT sleep on the couch every single night, and he ignores the request 180 times at least, that's the issue.
As long as he listens to me, he'll be fine. Hell, that's the answer to the world, really. :D
dont try to talk about the situation like you know the year long or 24 year long build up of shit preceding it, shitbag i dont know.
vanster is an introspective son of the land. I trust in him as assuredly as the I trust the sun will swallow me in the after time, incinerating everything anything has ever done.
Goshin - maybe you need to have a shitbag older brother to understand this one. His little brother isn't going to teach him any lessons. You've gone way above the call of duty here. Throw the dumbass out, change the locks, and get on with your life. Good luck and stay strong.
Haven't you made a thread about this before talking about how much of a loser he is and that you wanted to kick him out (or is that some other person with a dead-beat brother)?