donald trump is an evil pedophile - healthcare is a human right

i went to go buy some pot and the bmw i was driving got carjacked in a hospital parking lot, I got myself to the hospital

healthcare is a human right and unless you're seriously low iq like a 3rd world country primitive you'd agree

most of the comments in this thread read like isis supporters or some other overly religious idiot speak especially amram seeing as he's leeching off the system with his socialized government that he hates


Last night Trump attacked Medicare for All as "socialized medicine." Funny. I didn't hear him complain when he received the best socialized medicine in the world for free at a 100% government run hospital. Yup. Trump loves socialism for himself, rugged individualism for the rest.
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i went to go buy some pot and the bmw i was driving got carjacked in a hospital parking lot, I got myself to the hospital

healthcare is a human right and unless you're seriously low iq like a 3rd world country primitive you'd agree

most of the comments in this thread read like isis supporters or some other overly religious idiot speak especially amram seeing as he's leeching off the system with his socialized government that he hates

you are a fucking worthless human being, and you don't deserve healthcare, especially when you put yourself in such stupid, wreckless situations. even still, i'm glad you didn't die from the head wound, but fucking hell are you a dumb motherfucker.

and unfortunately, there are a whole hell of a lot of worthless dumb motherfuckers just like you in this world.
my irresponsibility aside in one less than fatal example

you'd figure with all the patriot act style security bills and police military-industrial complex shit going on in the western world the 100k a year pig patrol police could actually catch some carjackers that were on camera

instead they're busy becoming a nazi racist proud boys organization fighting black lives matter activists and anti-fascists

i think the neuroscience of politics is the future and the fact is conservatives tend to have more psychopathic fearful and cro-mag traits than liberals as proven by mri which leads to stupid greedy shit like not wanting everyone to have healthcare in 20fukin20
no not your irresponsibility aside.

what about smokers, drinkers, fatties who won't stop eating, drug users, etc?

fuck off with that shit in Canada talking like you have some magical system.
the healthcare system here is a lot better than the states

they have cognitive behavioral therapy for lots of the stuff you just mentioned for free and the government will stick you in a program through a social worker a lot of the time
Since I got on unemployment I have more money than ever before and don't pay taxes for any of the work I do and work 4hrs a day.

Most of my relatives say that I'm lazy and taking advantage of the system but they're the liberals that are voting for socialized medicine. It's really ironic to be a working and successful person and then vote away your money to the lazy fucks like me.

Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
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I thought this was a juggs thread for a second I guess I have dare on ignore and his first post doesn't show up

Rent free. Rent free.
china is going to start giving its citizens smart drugs through gene therapy in our lifetime

how do you expect to compete with them without a distribution channel that's socialized similarly to what's happening with the covid vaccines?

healthcare for everyone is all part of healthcare infrastructure building for technologies that are real now
all the RW snow jobs in this thread are actually health insurance company stock millionaires
My health insurance is fucking awesome. Like seriously fucking awesome to the point I don't even have to go to a dr office to have blood drawn for labs. They come to me. Here at home. 3 females were here yesterday for that very reason. Blood for labs. 1 did the blood draw and the other 2 shitposted with me irl. It was great fun. In 2 weeks the smoking cessation specialist and the nutritionist will come to my house for their every 3 month visit. Feels good having all ducks in a row with minimal effort.

EDIT: stop being poor
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has nothing to do with poverty and everything to do with common sense

socialized healthcare lets things like hiv and type 1 diabetes be cured easily in our lifetime and not at some insane price point like it is currently in the millions of dollars

the herd immunity retard proud boy opinions on covid itt all would be dead without the government

if the western world doesnt do it china will and then we're fucked
has nothing to do with poverty and everything to do with common sense

If they had common sense they would not be poor in the first place. Kinda like how people with common sense don't get left for dead in the snow after being made a bitch by a bunch of goons in a drug deal gone bad. :shrug:
socialized healthcare lets things like hiv and type 1 diabetes be cured easily in our lifetime and not at some insane price point like it is currently in the millions of dollars

wat lol

socialized healthcare has nothing to do with finding cures. that is usually done by private drug research companies, moron.

the herd immunity retard proud boy opinions on covid itt all would be dead without the government

wat lol

these morons with their government religion