Dollhouse cancelled

I like the show, I think they made a few mistakes that really killed it off unfortunately, but I'll watch whatever else they release.

it really is gay as fuck. the girlfriend watched it one day and I banned her from ever watching it again. It's that bad.
This isn't really news. They had taken them off their sweeps schedule and this doesn't really change anything. Apparently the series will still finish airing it's last 9 episodes anyway.

I liked the first season, but the start of this season has sucked. House reruns on Fridays actually do better than Dollhouse.
I watch it, but Dollhouse really isn't that good... Buffy / Angel / Firefly were all way better. Not surprised it's canceled.
no surprise here either

but the 2nd season has been a lot better than the first

i think the show had a lot of potential, but its taking too long to come to fruition and networks and viewers are too impatient to wait for it
12/4 2 episodes from 8p-10p
12/11 2 episodes from 8p-10p
12/18 2 episodes from 8p-10p
1/8 1 ep @9pm
1/15 1 ep @9pm
1/22 1 ep @9pm (series finale)
no surprise here either

but the 2nd season has been a lot better than the first

i think the show had a lot of potential, but its taking too long to come to fruition and networks and viewers are too impatient to wait for it

That's the story behind almost every Whedon cancellation, and other shows like that.

Jericho, too.
I never watched buffy, but watched angel on DVR and it was really good.

Everything else ive seen by the guy seems meh at best and usually boring,
The first season was awesome I put it on my Netflix a few weeks ago and enjoyed the hell out of it.

That's the story behind almost every Whedon cancellation, and other shows like that.

Jericho, too.

The real question is why the networks ever even bother picking up shows that aren't stupid mindless drivel in the first place.

Why waste money on a series that you won't let live long enough to establish a following? Just order more CSI shows or more reality TV if you want instant ratings.
BTW, when Dollhouse was announced I know that I can't be the only one who said "That sounds really akward and difficult to make work" and knew that it was a goner before it even got started.

Them canning the Sarah Connor Chronicles surprised me (big franchise, tons of money sunk into it, more action and sfx) but Dollhouse getting the axe is expected.

Can anyone even think of a series that debuted on Friday nights (other than cable shows) that turned into a hit?