Does TV just get better or is there another factor?

What shows from 5 or 10 years ago are must watches? There's probably not many. And compared to the amount of shows that exist, the proportion of greats probably hasn't changed by much. Finished Frasier recnetly with the wife and just started Doogie Howser. They both cover complex issues and are funny/entertaining.
What shows from 5 or 10 years ago are must watches? There's probably not many. And compared to the amount of shows that exist, the proportion of greats probably hasn't changed by much. Finished Frasier recnetly with the wife and just started Doogie Howser. They both cover complex issues and are funny/entertaining.

Breaking Bad first aired 9 years ago.

Just putting that out there...
Yeah, my numbers were likely a bit off base. But 30 years ago there were only a few main networks that made quality shows, now there are a lot more.
What shows from 5 or 10 years ago are must watches? There's probably not many. And compared to the amount of shows that exist, the proportion of greats probably hasn't changed by much. Finished Frasier recnetly with the wife and just started Doogie Howser. They both cover complex issues and are funny/entertaining.

Simpsons (early stuff is still the best), Futurama, DS9, Seinfeld, Firefly, Band of Brothers, The Wire, Battlestar Galactica, Survivorman...

And that's just off the top of my head. Your argument is silly.
Simpsons (early stuff is still the best), Futurama, DS9, Seinfeld, Firefly, Band of Brothers, The Wire, Battlestar Galactica, Survivorman...

And that's just off the top of my head. Your argument is silly.

I think you misunderstood the question from OP as well as my response, and are actually agreeing with me. Edit: taking into consideration that my timeline was a bit off.
I cut the cord, best thing I ever did. Plenty of old skool shows on H&I and ION which are over the air (OTA).

Original Star Trek
The Orville

Streaming will be the new model as more cut the cord.
What I find really fucked up are the dramatic build-ups into a commercial cut - Shows produced for digital distribution no longer have this dumb shit worked into every 8 minutes of a show. That is the true victory of modern TV.

But yeah, 2000 onward brought the onslaught of reality TV; be it the personal lives of families, talent contests, game shows like Big Brother/Survivor, businesses like pawn stars or home&garden like Holmes on homes.... everything became a reality show and none of it has been worth anyone's time or attention. Things were fine with Bob Vila and antiques road show.
TV and Music has a lot more to choose from now and very few limitations so anyone can find something that they like now. Prior to that the big 3 networks and the music industry programmed us to what they wanted us to watch and hear
With all the things to learn why do people still waste time watching TV? None of it is real so why watch it? The real world is far more entertaining anyway.
TV and Music has a lot more to choose from now and very few limitations so anyone can find something that they like now. Prior to that the big 3 networks and the music industry programmed us to what they wanted us to watch and hear

There hasn’t been any good music in about 15 years... The indie stuff nowadays is absolutely garbage and there are like three songs a year that don’t make my ears bleed.

TV is infinitely better nowadays. That started sometime around the same period music was dying. The Sopranos/Wire on HBO changed everything. In the 80s and 90s there were maybe three tv shows a decade that could even compare with what we have now.

Movies were better in the 90s and definitely better in the 60s and 70s. Hollywood stopped making period pieces and everything is formulaic, even at the Indie level.
There hasn’t been any good music in about 15 years... The indie stuff nowadays is absolutely garbage and there are like three songs a year that don’t make my ears bleed.

Nobody wants an electric guitar anymore

Acoustic guitars have been outselling Electric since about 2010.

Solo artists are infinitely easier for labels to manage and sell than groups, and Rock isn't something that's a one-man show. Much easier to get some little folksy Ed Sheeran kinda person that can strum away and convince tweens about how dreamy he is.
Can we talk about how news staples such as sportcenter and CNN have managed to go to shit? All about putting on someone with an outlandish view or better yet two of them and dropping them into a box to fight it out

I just want to see some red wings highlights and see that Sikh bombing that killed a bunch of dudes, not commentary.
What shows from 5 or 10 years ago are must watches? There's probably not many. And compared to the amount of shows that exist, the proportion of greats probably hasn't changed by much. Finished Frasier recnetly with the wife and just started Doogie Howser. They both cover complex issues and are funny/entertaining.

doogie howser?

The Wonder Years was prime stuff

Drama series, definitely watch Gormenghast - a fantasy themed mini series done by the Brits in about 2000 (based from a series of books)

Gormenghast (TV Mini-Series 2000– ) - IMDb
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