Does anyone know anything about buying Gold? [not WoW gold u freaks]

Falconlight said:
The value as currency is 50 dollars. This is a prime example of why it would be foolish to use precious metals as currency. The gold would be more valuable melted down and sold than used to purchase something.
I'm surprised that the U.S still mints non-token coins as currency :eek:

Did you know that the value of a US penny right now is worth about .017 melted down. that's a 70% return, go melt your pennies down and sell them!
TseTse said:
gold hasnt been a viable investment in ages... and usually the people screaming to buy gold are playing on old fears and assumptions.

avoid it, imo, unless you really intend to get your hands on a few million pounds to hide in a safe during the apocolypse.

otherwise, i'd wager you'd get more from a friggin checking account's interest.

This is similar to what Stone said to me a few years ago when I recommended buying gold, was trading around $300. He called me a gold looney.

We don't need the apocalpyse to make it a good investment, only continued loss of value in the dollar and world instability. The price of gold is a factor of world sentiment, it isn't easy to put a fair value on it but that doesn't make it a bad investment. I wouldn't be surprised to see it go much higher, but would rather invest in oil, or precious metals that actually have some use.
gold hasnt been a viable investment in ages... and usually the people screaming to buy gold are playing on old fears and assumptions.



Yep, no money was made there. :rolleyes:
Dont listen to these guys saying gold is a bad investment, they really have no idea what they are talking about.

My advice to you is to take a technical analysis of the commodity. Then do a cross checking fundamental analysis and invest appropriately. Make sure to diversify your portfolio and not listen to any idiots who think they know anything. Seperate your emotions from your investment and simply forget about it for a few years. You will collect if you are smart.
All you idiots saying "Don't listen to the idiots saying gold is a bad investment" are idiotic idiots, idiots.

Seriously, Gold is a bad investment RIGHT NOW. It was a good investment if you had a shit load of money back in 2001 and bought large stockpiles of it. Otherwise, it was sitting there collecting dust so you could make 200 bucks after 4 years. Jesus, put your money into a CD and you'll get that and more and it's much more secure.

Look at the Market value, it's the highest it's been in decades, why the fuck would you buy it now when it can only go down from here? And if it goes up, then you're making maybe 30.00 an ounce at best. I mean, I don't see gold going past 600.00 an ounce any time soon.
All you idiots saying that "All you idiots saying "Don't listen to the idiots saying gold is a bad investment" are idiotic idiots, idiots." are fucking retarded idiotic idiots. Look at the fucking chart, its gone up 100% on most commodity exchanges. Do a technical and fundamental analysis and you will see that there is inherent value in this precious metal.
Kowboy said:
Has anyone ever tried buying gold coins and was it worth it? I like the idea of an investment that is not simply a piece of paper.

I've been hearing on TV and radio tons of adds that say "buy gold now it's the best investment you can make" not that I ever take any ad I see or hear at face value. But I do trust one man on the subject since it seemed like a good plan:



US Eagles -- gold bullion coins approx worth $50.00

best way to buy gold is the futures market, not this coins from infomercials bullshit. and gold is way to fuckin high to touch now. you can only lose money on it... unless you short :)
Last time I checked, the old adage "buy low, sell high" still applies regardless of the commodity you're persuing.
Animo said:
All you idiots saying that "All you idiots saying "Don't listen to the idiots saying gold is a bad investment" are idiotic idiots, idiots." are fucking retarded idiotic idiots. Look at the fucking chart, its gone up 100% on most commodity exchanges. Do a technical and fundamental analysis and you will see that there is inherent value in this precious metal.

You're being sarcastic right? You're not this stupid right? right?
Let's be honest here, if you really knew how the market would react, you wouldn't be posting on TW right now but instead making a killing in the markets. I wouldn't listen to anyone that pretends to know where the market is headed. The argument for buying is as good as not buying right now. If there was a stronger argument either way, the market would shift to reflect that. Awhile ago research analysts were saying that there is no inherent value in Google and that its stock would not go any higher, and much higher it went. Who the hell really knows...
I don't like to invest in anything someone could carry away in their pockets.
FortuneCookie said:
Let's be honest here, if you really knew how the market would react, you wouldn't be posting on TW right now but instead making a killing in the markets. I wouldn't listen to anyone that pretends to know where the market is headed.

Obviously, when guys on the tw forums are speculating, "Oh, it can't go to such and such" or "look, it's gone up 100% in the past 4yrs..." I really cannot give them much weight.

For people saying that they need to have a lot of money laying around and hiding gold under their bed, come on.

People can trade in the futures, gold mining co's, pm funds, ect... And fyi, yeah you're most likely leveraging your trades if you're trading futures... (so if gold goes up by 7$ and you are leveraged at 50:1, you make $350/oz not just $7)

And fool, most people that are speculating on gold's value increasing will not actually be in possession of the gold itself, just a derivative.
Gold is overbought and about to enter seasonal weakness. I wouldn't buy till it's fallen at least 10% from current highs.

Last time I checked, the old adage "buy low, sell high" still applies regardless of the commodity you're persuing.

True, but picking a top is always tough. Gold was relatively high in Jan '03 and '04. Google was relatively high at $200 and $300 a share. That doesn't mean it won't go higher.

Look at the Market value, it's the highest it's been in decades, why the fuck would you buy it now when it can only go down from here? And if it goes up, then you're making maybe 30.00 an ounce at best. I mean, I don't see gold going past 600.00 an ounce any time soon.

Gold's all time high was $850 set in 1980. Adjusted for inflation, that's $2158. Gold has been going up because of geopolitical instability, deficit spending, the contraction of the industry over the past ten years, and concern over the sustainability of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. Until those factors change, it will continue to go up.
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