Does anyone have an extra Hearthstone beta key?

Thanks to Boogie, I knew instantly what this thread was about.

I haven't yet tried it, but his videos have definitely intrigued me!

I've been watching TotalBiscuit's videos of it and the arena mode actually seems pretty fun, except for the real dollarydoo spending part - a key would be nice but I dunno how many are floating around
Still banking on them releasing it over the holidays. The game looks and seems pretty polished, and the holidays is when all the kids get extra money from Christmas to spend on potential packs/arena.
I find it very lol when this loser actually pays for cards in a Beta version (with the promise of gold later) and says that it is important to 'support' the developers.

This isn't Hearthstone the fucking humble bundle - it's Blizzard. You know - the dudes who run one of the biggest money making game machines ever?
I'm in the beta, it's fun. Not spending any real cash on it but I got a legendary in one of the first packs I got with gold.
only other decent ccg may be hex.... should be in beta soon. however from what i gathered the guy making it is obsessed with the idea of mmo'ifying it to the point of given cards levels, sockets (ala diablo), and gear lol.