do you say ON accident or BY accident?

As much as i think Aus, NZ, U.S and other "new worldish" countries would like to claim screwing england out of their own language. I think it was actually well screwed before any of our countries were discovered. Half the problem is its a mish mash between several euro languages. So it doesn't have as strict a grammar structure as other languages.

That is the beauty of the English language. Tons of ways to say the same thing.
If I didn't already know, I would've pegged you as inherently German because of that quote. ;D

Dammit I lived in Germany and a share many of their common ideas, but I am not German. I'm Swedish, I'm American, but I'm not German! I love those goofy bastards, but I'm definitely not one of them. :p
i haven't really thought about it either way. I am sure I have heard both and I probably have said both. "by accident" makes more sense but language is a funny thing
Who invented this shit? Lets ask them. as far as I am conserned it doesn't fucking matter. on or by.. I understand what you are fucking saying.