do u like 2 party

i like to party but i end up partying for days without getting sleep

i do miss the party but now i fill the void with engaging the ree on tw
instead of going out every weekend I now go out 2x a year and generally just get grumpy that the music isn't right for me

ain't like it used to be
yeah im too old but there's a cool garage / uk bass night coming up which i might go to next week lol
Inner dialogue convinces me that I like to party.

however, in reality I rarely do nowdays.

Why physically party when you can party with mathematics of the universe in your mind.
I partied so much I'm content not to party much now. But I still like to party!

Hmmm. I play music in bars, watch people partying, but don't drink while playing. Instead I'll go to the local craft brewery, drink a beer, go watch a live band, then home to drink a few more. If I drink more than 5 beers then I'll have a hangover the next morning and my right side will hurt. I had my liver checked out and it's ok, but I'm not drinking the hard stuff any more.