Do they not make Crystal Pepsi anymore?

Poji_the_Hat said:
I was doing my grocery shopping today and I went to at least 45 different stores and could not find it. :(
i'm sorry, did you just wake up from the 80's? :rofl:
anybody remember the SNL sketch where they did Crystal Gravy ? heh... that about ruined the whole experience for me. Something like Chris Farley bathing himself in clear gravy was just unappetizing.
i miss crystal pepsi so, so much.

if they brought it back, i would drink soda once again.
Masamune/Xerxes said:
Parody or no, crystal pepsi was the shit even if only like 8 people world-wide agreed with me.
It tasted just like regular Pepsi. THere was a kid on my football team once(fat kid), who put Crystal Pepsi in his water bottle instead of water. I am fairly sure he didn't feel too well after that practice though.
Masamune/Xerxes said:
Parody or no, crystal pepsi was the shit even if only like 8 people world-wide agreed with me.

crystal pepsi gave me the runs

and it did the same thing to everyone I knew who drank it (a whole 2 other people)