Do NOT like the game

I got to the end of page 2 before I realized this jackass was still using the stupid effing term "smacktard" and boasting about penis length.

Hey eeyore,

I know you like (which means to enjoy) the holier than thou attitude (that means when you hold yourself above the others even though you are one of them). Other people (people is plural of person) aren't (same thing as are not, it's a contraction) going to listen (what you do with your ears) to you when you criticize (which means pass judgement on) the way others post, then do the exact same thing they do in the same breath.

It's childish, arrogant, and not welcome in this forum.
eeyore said:
Been playing Tribes for 5 in game tag is eeyore,and I play with the Mature Asskickers (MA), mainly the BEML ladder which is still very active. .

I don't likeTV at all. It dumbs down tribes to be basically ut2004 with jetpacks.

The oob wall is an absolute sacrilege to the whole idea of freedom in tribes that was a hallmark of the game. That in itself makes me not want to play. In short: "you are in a cage. Go back to the dueling.." Screw that.

The air vehicles absolutely suck, but then the game was designed for small maps and dueling , so no need for cool vehicles like the thundersword or shrike. The game will suck without them. I like the MPB. Weapons are excellent. Physics are great. Maps are gorgeous.

They have taken out some of the best things about tribes. I enjoyed playing the beta for a few weeks, but realised I was geting bored after about 25 minutes of playing, much like the UT series. Tribes 1 or two I could play for hours on end and not get bored. Not this dog. What a shame. Tribes has become just another FPS game.

no more artful farmers who hide the small turrets in strategic places.

no more fast bombing runs.

no more fast shrike capping. Being a HOF in TV is basically useless, and there is no tension. I used to like the anticipation of looking in all directions for the fast capper coming in off a more... just get mortared or duel.

I lost interest in the beta, basically, and will go back to playing t2 and t1 with whoever is still there. I truly hope the modders and map makers can salvage this game.

With the advanced CC and larger maps, Tribes 2 could be taken to another level by good players....using the cc and shrike radar to detect incoming enemies or their deployables; capping from a bomber.


No more cloakers? WTH is up with that?

The shield pack is useless.

Again, this is a very pretty, dumbed down game which I have no interest in playing. If my tribe decides to play it I will tolerate it I guess, but wiill as I said be looking for T1, T2, and Planetside for my enjoyment.

Here is something that you should know...

T:V is a new breed of Tribes, it is designed to appeal to more then just the crowd here that still plays T1 after 5 years. Your mistaking if you think they designed it for "you".

I think the game is pretty cool runing on the UT engine, I had my doubts at first but now I think it is better this way. The bounderies are cool, no need to OOB Snipe anymore, The vehicles are ok, I dont use them and probly never will...The dueling and mid air fights are still a kick and remind me much of T1.

Speed capping is back with a vengeances, there are a few I will not name that can cap a flag like a mutha... There are new things such as skiing behind vehicles etc.. that is interesting and retarded at the same time.

4 maps are boring but there is always somthing to learn..
Yogi said:
Hey eeyore,

I know you like (which means to enjoy) the holier than thou attitude (that means when you hold yourself above the others even though you are one of them). Other people (people is plural of person) aren't (same thing as are not, it's a contraction) going to listen (what you do with your ears) to you when you criticize (which means pass judgement on) the way others post, then do the exact same thing they do in the same breath.

It's childish, arrogant, and not welcome in this forum.
Yogi, we all lost you on that last sentence. Could you define those last few words for us, we'd all very much appreciate to know what you just said. :p
The OOB wall argument is so absurd. Out of bounds has very little to do with the freedom of movement the game offers. I would say the jetpack plays just a little bit of a bigger role than unlimited expanses of land.
I'm eagerly awaiting the icon, kore, or nCn vs (MA) scrim. (i may have missed some teams, and i'm not 100% void/flawed was on kore, but yeah)
eeyore said:
Cyanide, go buy your school supplies....lets see, moron used twice. ...I'd say, sophmore in HS, no GF.
That's quite an interesting comment to make, considering that you've used the comments based on people being of a school-going age at least a dozen times now. What's the matter, is somebody's age the only weapon in your verbal arsenal?

Anyways, I can appreciate your view that T:V basically boils down to an improved version of Tribes 1. A lot of the depth and teamwork elements which Tribes 2 introduced have been dropped, but you can't scream at the developers for doing this. Tribes 2 was a far cry from the gameplay of Tribes 1, and as such lost plenty of fans because of this.

The developers have always had the incredible difficulty of pleasing both the existing Tribes fans, as well as taking the game away from cult status and getting it into the mainstream arena. Because Tribes 1 and Tribes 2 were so conflicting in style, they had to make a choice over which they were going to stick with.

As I'm sure you realise, the majority of Tribes 1 fans despise Tribes 2 with a passion. Tribes 2 is also difficult for a lot of newcomers to get used to, which the dozens of people I have recommended it to can attest. They all complained of it being too slow (which is true unless you learn the art of skiing), a pain to configure (it does take an awfully long time to get it all how you want it), and also too step a learning curve (which, again, is true if you're playing with people who've been playing for a while before -- you stand NO chance at all, rather than a considerably lower chance).

So this leaves Tribes 1 with more fans, both new and old. From a development and publishing perspective, it makes more sense to tailor the game to appeal to those fans rather than the Tribes 2 fans. They've managed to succeed in this, with most Tribes 1 fans on here giving it a thumbs up. I'd imagine that plenty of "mainstream gamers" will also enjoy it, giving consideration to your remarks about it being a little fragtastic.

So at the end of the day, Tribes 2 fans are the middle child. They've got the short end of the deal, with the game being steered away from the direction they knew and loved. But at the end of the day, it's going to be better for the series in that it may succeed enough to warrant another sequel, or keep going for a long time (and not be on the brink of total death like Tribes 2 currently is after a few years).

Yes, Tribes 2 is gone from T:V. Nobody's doubting that, but you won't earn sympathy on these forums by complaining about it, because the fact is that most people here highly preferred Tribes 1 and are glad to see T:V going back in that direction. There's little point in continuing to argue the matter, because you won't change anybody's mind. I totally understand your argument eeyore, but I also understand why the things you're unhappy about have been done.
Yogi said:
Hey eeyore,

I know you like (which means to enjoy) the holier than thou attitude (that means when you hold yourself above the others even though you are one of them). Other people (people is plural of person) aren't (same thing as are not, it's a contraction) going to listen (what you do with your ears) to you when you criticize (which means pass judgement on) the way others post, then do the exact same thing they do in the same breath.

It's childish, arrogant, and not welcome in this forum.

Really. Even on public servers when people are just shooting the shazbot, usually no one goes OOB. OOB was only good for getting behind the enemy base, either setting up for a cap or sniping. and sniping wasnt even aloud in some servers.

with biggers maps, and more space between the boundary and the bases, i think no one will notice that much.

Childish = in an unrully a manner a child would act.
arrogant = displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.

Does anyone see the meaning of the original post? I mean, did he want to sway some of us out of the game? Did he want to vent some anger out? Did he just want us to know that he won't be around for T:V so we can all celebrate the fact that he don't be there to bicker us? lol...
Yogi said:
Hey eeyore,

I know you like (which means to enjoy) the holier than thou attitude (that means when you hold yourself above the others even though you are one of them). Other people (people is plural of person) aren't (same thing as are not, it's a contraction) going to listen (what you do with your ears) to you when you criticize (which means pass judgement on) the way others post, then do the exact same thing they do in the same breath.

It's childish, arrogant, and not welcome in this forum.

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nlhlacrosse said:
The OOB wall argument is so absurd. Out of bounds has very little to do with the freedom of movement the game offers. I would say the jetpack plays just a little bit of a bigger role than unlimited expanses of land.

I've been playing over the last month or so and have YET to run into the wall. :shrug:
I'm happy to be a 15 year old. Since I obviously handle myself better than some people twice my age.

But then again every generation will have it's asshats and over-protective dolts, and a good few in between.
LostDuck said:
I've been playing over the last month or so and have YET to run into the wall. :shrug:

I've run into it, but only because Bridude bucklered me after I grabbed his flag and I flew all the way across emerald and smacked myself to death because I couldn't stop.