Do Liberals Really Like Charles Darwin?

Well socialism is p much the antithesis of social darwinism just as liberty is vs egalitarianism/equality

Only in the 60s did we really start to talk about equality as being a national value. Nah it's always been liberty niggas egalitaire is for the french. Liberty allows people to flow where they should be on the social hierarchy (along with equal opportunity which I'm down with). Equality for the sake of equality puts the special Olympics on the same pedestal as the actual fucking olympics
This app tracks how many times men interrupt women in conversations:

Donald Trump-inspired app counts how often men interrupt women

Created by Brazilian ad agency BETC to coincide with International Women's Day, the app's creators say Woman Interrupted was inspired in part by the first presidential debate when Donald Trump repeatedly interrupted Hillary Clinton.

The app, which is available for both iOS and Android, uses your smartphone's microphone to track conversations and determine the number of interruptions in a given conversation.

Using voice frequencies as a guide, the app keeps tabs on how many times mens' voices overlap with women's to determine the number of interruptions. There's also an initial calibration process where the app "learns" your own voice to make its tracking more accurate.
Wonk, wonk. You sound like Charlie Brown's friggin' teacher.

That's all I hear when I hear women
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looks like we were early to this discussion and party

Stefan Molyneux on Twitter:

Well it’s not going to be destroyed, but if @BretWeinstein can talk me out of what he calls my “stupid” position I would be eternally grateful. It costs a lot to listen to the experts about race and IQ, if they are all wrong it would be a huge relief!

Let’s debate for charity!

Bret Weinstein is creating content on evolution, civilization, and intolerance.

Bret Weinstein is creating content on evolution, civilization, and intolerance. | Patreon

even these genetic biologists must deny the one true god Darwinism, in his own words, in favor of FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZ, to save face and live in their own little world they created


man science is a real bitch

and evolution only works from the neck down
I believe the point being made is that if evolution shapes species based on the propagation of desirable traits due to geographical, social and hereditary factors, then you can no more deny the differences between the races of man than you could evolution itself.
No, the point being made was "Darwin said this but you don't agree with it, therefore you are a hypocrite REEEEEEEE!!!".

Which is about as retarded as you'd expect from Tele.
Well socialism is p much the antithesis of social darwinism just as liberty is vs egalitarianism/equality

Only in the 60s did we really start to talk about equality as being a national value. Nah it's always been liberty niggas egalitaire is for the french. Liberty allows people to flow where they should be on the social hierarchy (along with equal opportunity which I'm down with). Equality for the sake of equality puts the special Olympics on the same pedestal as the actual fucking olympics
I really like how they, the regressive Marxists, have tried for many years now to alter the definition of 'equality under the law/equal justice under law', to equality in finances, social status, health care, and every day living.

"It says EQUALITY! That means equal in all things in life! REEEE!"

do people in the future really like people in the past because they had some stupid fucking ideas based on the culture of their times?

i think all scientists hate the enlightenment cuz they were all about god
i think all artists hate the Renaissance cuz they were all about god
neither of these groups can be called godly anymore am i right
think of the mental gymnastics!

dude we should blow up the pyramids
