[Discuss] Tribes Dedication & Other Games


Veteran X
well, it's one month and one day before i graduate college. luckily i managed to graduate in the four year time frame that most people hope for but few achieve. in that time, i've gone through probably a pound of weed, a few hundred (or maybe thousand) gallons of booze, two serious girlfriends and about to marry the current one, multiple more random hookups, pledging a frat, almost being arrested for credit card debt, and the list goes on of my college achievements. :D

but the real point comes down to the games that i've played, and you've all played. i know there are probably dozens of people well out of school that still play tribes, and i very much salute that. but the thing is, and we've all heard it hashed over before, most of the tribes players are coming to be older, like me. the general gaming age group is going up, and therefore losing the time to put into the games. i've had tribes in my blood since 9th grade, 8 years ago. playing t1 for three and a half years, i was a complete noob the whole time. never understood it much, didnt have the time to dedicate to it, nor the appropriate computer + connection. so i pissed around every so often on a ren server, or havoc, or wtf ever mod i felt like seeing. and then came may 01, right before i graduate highschool, and t2 came out.

t2 was much more intersting right off the bat for me. still on dialup, i had at least gotten a new computer for graduation, so the game played decently smooth, minus its inherent bugs. i got together with some guys from {FRAG} because they lived down the street from me, some of them, and started to learn how to play. i remember my very first map, katabatic... i shudder to think of it now, but it was fun back then. i was trying to learn how to use a grav cycle. heh. over the course of the next ... oh, 3 or 4 years, i got rid of my dell for an amd2600 that i built, and got broadband around the same time. tribes completely felt different, and i personally got better. i thank the DSL for that ;). joined Riven for t2 feb last year, stayed with them til they crashed, which was a few months i believe. started origins, and got even better, and had the most fun i ever had in tribes with those guys (so if any of them, auza, cindergirl, naptown, GBM, cant remember the rest of you) are still around much <3 for the time we spent together. yes, i'll come right out and say i made a debauchle of the "summer bash" tournament that i started, but we all knew that. left tribes for a few months as my DSL got turned off over the summer because i was poor and lazy and didnt pay my bill.

and finally, last october, right around my 21st birthday, T:V came out. decided to get back into the games with that. enjoyed it, and caught the learning curve pretty quickly again. once a triber, always a triber i suppose. picked up mapping, made some more screw ups with that, riven floundered, picked up, and then completely died again. and here we stand today, 4-20, and i'm honestly looking back at everything that has happened with my gaming career.

my real point to that whole rambling was that we tribes guys, whether we were t1 dedicates or t2 dedicates or t:v dedicates, are unique. there is nothing else like this game, obviously. but its more than just the look, the feel, the jet packs and spinfusors that makes us different. i've got all three tribes games. WoW. Lineage 2. AOE2. Age of Mythology. CS. Red Faction. the list of games that i have and have played goes on and on, as it probably does with everyone. none of them could hold me like tribes used to. and i didnt mind it, up until today.

i've started to realize that tribes has somewhat lost its luster. T2 isnt as grand as it was even a year ago. there are so few people playing. T:V is obviously dead in the water in terms of corporate support, and we're praying on a communtiy led revolution to at least give it some life. and personally, T1 was never my thing, so i could care less about it ;) (no h8 to the t1'ers). now that i'm this close to graduating, and i'm looking for jobs, looking to make sure i dont botch my last semester's classes, i'm starting to lose alot of interest in my games. i havent even used up my free month of WoW and i'm sick of playing it. same old grind as lineage 2 if you look into it. and all those other games, CS, red faction, ut2k4 ... they cant hold a candle to tribes. never even close.

so whats gonna be left for me in a few months? tribes will be there. i'll still play it every so often. is there EVER gonna be anything to take its place? that's my worry, and that's what i want to hear from you guys. do you think tribes is truly a dying breed? and answer that question truthfully. none of us can play T:V for 6 hours like we could T2 or T1. is there ever going to be a game that truly brings back the enjoyment and skill level and uniqueness that tribes had? are these things worries to anyone else, or is it just me and 4-20 speaking here? it seems like there's no future for interesting gaming.
awesome post geiss!

I've been into games since pong came out. Tried about everything, from stand-up arcade games, to commodore64, to intellivision to atari's, to IBM machines, to Pc's today. Played about every type of game genre,(sims, shooters, RTS, RPG's, whatever on many different consoles & PC), still casually test games at Microsoft,(mostly X-Box), and alpha'ed or beta'ed no less than 8 PC MMO's in the last 6 years. I'm gettin pretty old now, but still love gaming, and the internet is a place where one can still be/act as young as one wants.. heheh

After all those games and countless hours trying to find the best game there is, I have to say the Tribes series is tops for me. There is nothing that really compares to the freedom that the jetpack gives you, and all the different roles you can play to help your team or not. The game = freedom within a virtual world. Tribes seems almost like an RPG/MMO/Shooter type game. The leveling comes in time spent honing your skill learning different weapons, vehicles, etc. The MMO relation just comes from the community at large. It's the most skillfull shooter out there that I've seen.

It is one of the few shooters I know where players actually "Duel". It's hard to really duel with bullets like in most shooters. In Tribes you can hit someone more than once and they still live to continue fighting, and the manuvering in flight, trying to hit each other is not something you find in every other game. It has the most advanced team, chat, and internet browser options that I had ever seen in any game released before it, and T2 still may hold it's own against all but some of the latest MMO's.

I got into T1 through a friend, his name was PsycoBobo. Would always stop by his house after work and one day he got this new game. I saw the cover and thought it looked gay. Little dudes in suits, hahaha. Dismissed it pretty quick. But being so into games, (console at the time), after time after time of goin over there and seein him play I started to take notice. He played Shifter Mod and the teamwork required to win and the amount of armors and deployables,(Shields,Rocket/laser turrents, mass different packs), just blew me away. As he was playing I started askin him stuff and was amazed at the stunning physics model and how so many people could be on-screen at once doing so many different things. I had read game reviews of Starseige:Tribes and thought it looked and sounded kinda weird but it had great reviews. He eventually gave me a bootleg disc, went home and installed it and I was hooked. A week later I bought the game. We got on a team together and went on to do good things on the Shifter OGL ladder in =DD=. (to be continued upon request)...lol

In any case alot of stuff has happened in this game, and the gameplay and teamwork required to win matches in tournaments is unsurpassed in this tribers opinion. Can only hope that some dev decides to take a chance, throw off the big publisher bearhug, and make a gametype that has the physics, depth, complexity, and team element that has made Tribes such an awesome gametype. Maybe Starsiege 2845 will be that gametype, although it definetely won't be the same Tribes we've played the last 6 years. Other than that it's gettin hard to say. The big publishers are goin with sure bets now and favoring the simplicity of consoles. We need Dynamix back again, (or GG)......

here's to Tribes and all it's players past, present, and future....... :cheers:
I have lost all interest in all games other than Tribes. My bros pick up a new console game every 1.5 months. I say "wow! that Looks NEAT!" But guess what... I NEVER end up playing any of em ONCE, not even pick up the controller when the game is in. I'm glued to my comp, mapping, posting on forums, playing T1, T2, T:V, sometimes even Legends, while reminissing on the good ol days on irc and chatting about new strats in T:V with COBRA in ventrillo. I simply don't care about videogames anymore -- unless its Tribes. And even after all that, Tribes is hardly part of my life these days compared to 4 and a half years ago.

No, no game will ever be Tribes again. I guess once T:V dies completely I'll try some new ones (BF2, Guild Wars, etc) but they will just be games. Tribes will always be much more (to me) than a game.

But oh well, no use crying about it... I will keep playing as Tribes as long as I can and continue the ever lasting conversation about "how good it used to be" with the vets and cry myself to sleep remembering that time on DoD when I first learned that flying over them and disking was the best way to kill. Man the memories. :cry:

edit: another good reason why a game like Tribes will never come out again is that the gaming industry has packed on quite a few years, and there is little to no room for innovation for PC. The DS and such fancy pants new ways to play seem cool, but how you control the game never will be a prime fact in the fun of it all. All the genres are getting warn out. T1 and even T2 BROUGHT SOMETHING NEW to the table.. no one had EVER seen a fps with strategy or gametypes past KILL 'EM ALL! Vehicles, neat weapons, even the jetpack and the armors have been in a dozen games since T1.

Until there is a innovation worth catching my eye again, I don't there will be any other game to creat a community like T1 and T2 created.

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FishStix said:
No, no game will ever be Tribes again. I guess once T:V dies completely I'll try some new ones (BF2, Guild Wars, etc) but they will just be games. Tribes will always be much more (to me) than a game.


VERY nice write up Fishy.

You're makin me proud young padawan! ;)
I was looking forward to coop and team gaming even long before there was Contra for SNES. For those of us who know this is at the heart of most great gaming, it's very dissappointing how few games are developed that might please us.

Tribes certainly held most of the facets of a team game I'd care for, and all I can do for now is watch the horizon while I enjoy lesser games.
I'll be hopping from crappy game to crappy game for the next 6 years before I graduate from college probably. 7+ years of tribes... wowser what a ride it has been.

2005 - 1998... my god it really has been 7 years. I plan on playing for another year or so too.
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i got hooked on tribes at a really young age. i was what...10, wow it was awhile ago. i didnt even have anybody to introduce me to it. i saw it on the shelf and thought, wow that looks interesting, went home dl'ed the demo, loved it and bought it. even thought TV doesnt rival the teamwork/skill that T1/T2 did, its still one of the most, if not the, most deep game on the market right now. this makes me sad. i was arguing with a friend at school about whether or not CS:S takes more team stratagy than tribes (of course withing 5 minutes of the conversation he admited to never having tryed tribes), anyway he said "Tribes is behind the times, it needs to catch up to CS". it makes me sick.
i went to a lan and tried to play CS:S but after about half an hour i just about died, it was so boring. the rounds lasted between 30 seconds and 5 minutes. i finally just disconnected from the game and played tribes all by myself... :( . tribes has never been behind the times in my opinion, if anything starsiege:tribes was lightyears ahead of its time. ive spent hours upon hours with T1 and TV (no T2 for me, just wasnt my thing i guess, i skipped it, but ill buy it eventually, i love the series too much to pass it up) and still suck compaired to the guys that have spent years honing there skill. 15 minutes into my first CS game ever and i was coming in 2nd against all the "1337" players at the lan.

overall i guess i just hate the twitchfest that gaming has become. if it moves, shoot at it, screw the objective, just shoot!!!!!!!!!!

ill take a good D&D or C&H game over a CS deathmatch anyday!
NoFiX said:
I read it, and still have no clue what he want's from me.

what everyone else has been giving primarily... do you think gaming is dead nofix? its getting to that point for me. i'm just totally jaded on everything... i bought GT4, NFSU2, T:V, WoW, all expecting them to be superb. and they were lackluster, even GT4 which i preached as the end-all-be-all of console racing games. granted, i can still whoop ass in that game ;) but the point is that there's nothing out there now that T1/T2 has basically fizzled down. we all probably used to be able to play tribes for hours and hours at any given point. cant do that with T:V, cant do it with WoW, Lineage2, nothing... there's nothing like those originals. cliched, but its all too true. and i'm just wondering, among everyone else who grew up in this community as i did... are we all getting the same way? there's so many different ages of people represented through the past 3 tribes games. i just really wonder how everyone else is doing.

i was saying that i'm a month away from graduating college, going into the workforce like 3/4 of the rest of the people in the world, and probably here in Tribes land. is it just me and my situation, or is it a general feeling among all tribers? have we all grown up, and grown past this to the point where its not as "special" as it was? granted, tribes will always be special and unique, but its special something that made it a game that i could play for countless hours... is it something only i've grown past, or something that we've all grown past, all of us having been with this game and franchise since the mid-late 90's... that i guess is my biggest question. and the one that bothers me most.
Well to me T1 was what got me into online games (coming from point to poing dial-up (Duke 3d)). Then in 2001 Tribes 2 came out. I got it the first month and amazingly was able to play it. I was able to talk my brother into getting it as well and we had a blast. Never really got into the community untill I heard of TV. Even then i didnt join the community untill it was almost released. Tribes just has a feel to it that is just plain fun. I was playing MOHAA before TV came out and that has a following that is almost equal to that of tribes. Trying to get a person to switch from mohaa to the new mohpa or even one of the expantion packs is increadibly hard. Its becouase the gameplay is more of a fast paced shooter than the realistic felling of say COD. That is the only game Ide say has near the same following as tribes.

Summary - Mohaa simmlar to tribes series
Fast Gameplay
Smooth Gameplay
Dedicated following to the original
Lack of support for the original
Crappy Expantion packs / new games
Geiss, I don't think gaming is dead... it's just that the market is appealing to a different breed of gamers. Why be original n unique when you can fire up CS:S? The generation of gamers that Tribes captured is a hell of alot different than the pre-teen n teen shitheads of today. I'm not saying games coming out these days are absolutely horrible... but like you said, mainly just bland and dull compared to what I grew up on. Sounds kinda contradictory, seeing as how graphics and physics n shit have greatly improved since doom-era. It's amazing that better games aren't being pumped out, considering the technology that we have nowadays. Then again, alot of corporations are in it for money... and making something unique is kinda hit or miss... big gamble, esp. if they lose money.

I guess gaming as "we" know it is dead... we were spoiled to have grown attached to t1/t2 n stuff like that. Hell even quake 2 was fun in my book. I just don't see gaming getting the revival it needs for quite awhile... it seems companies are more focused on console gaming. I dunno, that's my take on it.

And you're still my hero. When you gonna collect these beers?
i personally think one of the problems with Devs these days are the focus on incredible graphics and uber-realistic physics. CS:S and ut2k4 (along with T:V in many ways) have great physics and graphics but no substance.
geiss i think you took a little to much on that last haul of that joint we just smoked bro. but honestly, i feel the same way. i got tribes in my blood had it since i discovered t1 back in the day. ill blame PURE for that. he was a good cousin. he showed me the way. when it comes to a first person shooter, i really dont see anything thats gonna catch an eye like tribes did. every thing now is some some doom/quake clone or a stupid ww2 rehash game. as it stands right now lengends/starseige are th eonly things that may possibly make me wants to join a ladder again. but then again this cs:source is starting to grow on me i think out of boredem. at least that game i could win money off of playing it :D heheehe
thereal Shaolinmonk said:
How hard would it be to remake t2 onto the new tge?

Something close to it is being done already. Plans are to even move it to the TSE once that is released. Hopefully everyone will be off of dialup and GForce2 video cards.