did tw become about censorship when i killed ur fukin parents son of whore americans?

Tic telling ppl to cry for more attention is one of those self-unawareness posts that happen infrequently but are amazing

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i never said i was trolling i just put a date in my sig and wanted to see how many people would egg me to do it

it all got documented and i decided to sit on it to see what would happen next

call it trolling or dont idc

thank u 4 ur post brick of no name angst fame
i never said i was trolling i just put a date in my sig and wanted to see how many people would egg me to do it

yeah im a coward pussy because a video game forum that took comments about euthanasia and do not resuscitate legislature that i posted on a different forum as an excuse to egg me to suicide and isn't getting their way

and even got trolled by a stupid made up signature

right it looks like you don't understand what you just posted

just because something trolls someone doesn't mean its intentionally designed to make them angry

sometimes people are just that stupid and get trolled into anger by anything

much like whats happening to you right now
Trollin is an ever evolving concept so it's hard 2 really say what's a troll and what's just a retroactive ego defence but there is a definite correlation between bein over 35 and a bad poster from SoCal and taking dares euthanasia posts seriously

These ppl usually think manic posting asking or stating that ppl are mad is trolling so idk

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the idea of trolling on tw is completely different than anywhere else on the internet

also it has to be one of the easiest forums online to get people angry just by talking