Diablo 3: Necro Incoming


Veteran X

Necromancer class coming, much excite.

I really didn't like how the necro got shoehorned into the witchdoctor class, really excited for this patch. Necro was my favorite class from D2, even if they fell off post nightmare difficulty.
Yeah I'm honestly not sure why they're even putting more development resources into D3 (unless making a new class is easier than it seems). Doubt it'll have much ROI. :weird:
I play D3 all the time for the couch co-op with homies. Great for jump in monster killing.
I wonder if they'll ever come out with a "PvP pack" that they charge for (when it was supposed to be a launch feature)? :weird:
blizzard is such a pos charging for it , all it is is a class , not even more map expansion.
lame fucks can suck a dick.
Haven't heard anything yet on a price point, I haven't heard whether or not they're charging for it - although it wouldn't surprise me. Nor do we have any indication of what's included with the purchase, short of the new class itself.

I don't mind them charging for it, it's a lot of effort to program a new class, create tons of art assets for it, test it, balance it, and then patch it into the existing game. This is someone's job, I don't know why some people's assholes tighten at the prospect of new content to a game costing money.

This is someone's job, I don't expect you to work for free, why should others be expected to do it.
Cool i will play it again for another month.. I mean I love the game, but it is pretty stale at this point.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were free. With no new levels or anything there's not much content to sell. Probably easy for them to make a new character and add some stuff and hope to get some more purchases out of it.