Dev Member on /. about UT2k4


Veteran XX
Re:There is only one thing to say... (Score:4, Interesting)
by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 12, @12:24AM (#8255616)
UT seems to be moving more and more towards tribes, and this is from a guy working on Tribes 3, which also uses the unreal engine, albeit heavily modified... ;)

Glenn Fiedler,
Irrational Games.

I thought some ppl might be intrested...
by SlightOverdose (689181) on Thursday February 12, @03:29AM (#8256311)
Doom II, C&C (The original), Total Annihilation, and Tribes.

The only games that have ever brought me to total gaming Nirvana.

Tribes probably has a stronger cult following than OSX. I know people who would (literally) kill there own mother over it. It really was one of the most underrated games of its time.
mom who?
ok this is OT but, i would have prefered them to hire garage games to do this latest installment of tribes.

Reason: they are the original authors, of intellectual material and blah blah, its their game, its their story, its not even sierras, but they own it cause the M$'d dynamix's ass.
Another good reason they should have hired garage games, garage games and ex dynamix got more exp with games...not to mention they have TONSSSSSSSSSS more Exp than irrational in firstperson SIMs<.
The evidence?? well look at what engine they picked for the game....SOMEONE ELSES works, the ut2k engine for example. IT seems that all that Tribes :vengeance is, is a HUGE BORROWED POS.

Not saying that the game is gonna suck or anything, but Tribes has now turned into ut2 and , it should be called a mod not a sepperate game. Sorry its pathetic, it pissess me off that tribes has been cheapened down to a no tallent NO CLEARNING CURVED Quake3 ROCKET feast.
Multiple Rocket launchers? get real. We want imperium pre corp candle guns not fucking ID quake noob cannons.
fuck garage games working on it...yes, tribes was a great game...but look at the state t2 was can't SOLELY blame dave g for that...(although he was the major part of it)...the fact is, the whole team fucked up the game
There isn't much about T2 I can be complimentary about. Right from beta it was fucked and never recovered, no one even seemed all that concerned it was fucked :\

Can't see TV beating T1 but it can't be worse than T2
Got Haggis? said:
fuck garage games working on it...yes, tribes was a great game...but look at the state t2 was can't SOLELY blame dave g for that...(although he was the major part of it)...the fact is, the whole team fucked up the game

the game woulda been fine had they had enough time to work on it, and dyanmix wasn't JUST those people that worked on Tribes 2, take the people that worked on on starsiege....some of the of the same people from SS worked on Tribes2, the keyword is SOME.

Tribes 2 wasn't a bad game, they listened to people that didn't matter as much as they thought that they did, AKA big names from the Tribes community, and They could have used more time to kill all the bugs...but otherwise Tribes 2 was a good game, as soon as i have a system to over power the issues, i'm gonna reinstall it.
It is my opinion that the original developers of Tribes would not have been able to pull this off. Not even the people that are with Garage Games.
We already know UT is moving towards Tribes. All games are.
Look at U2MXP. Repair packs, vehicles, turrets.

I mean, about the only thing missing from these games is the JETPACK.

Sheees, and some dummy goes and said Halo was the first game with vehicles. Trying to rewrite history. That's the problem with the reviews out there, they don't give Tribes its props. They act like the game never existed.
I tried to ski in Onslaught mode in UT2K4 demo. You can't :(.

I guess skiing will always be a Tribes thing, given that it was accidental and all.
ut2k4 isn't a bad game, b/c it's designed as intended. I think Tribes2 design was a bit more along the lines of fighting with the community.

But UT2k4 does something tribes2 didn't, it doesn't force team work. There's really no problem getting accross the map on your own, b/c the vehicles are mostly 1 man, and they're quick and fun.

Still pretty funny how they have community features tho.
Colossus has a CTF map named after him. He must be honored.


CTF-Face Classic