Detox.enD is a faggot

I did neg rep him back but it wont let me do it again even though he did it to me. Ass hole.

People who annoy you

Beavers mate for life, but if one mate dies, the other one will find another mate. Beavers mate when they are about three years old. Mating season runs from January and March in cold regions and in late November or December in the south. Gestation lasts about three months, and females have one litter of kits a year between April and June. Before birth, the female makes a soft bed in the lodge. The babies' eyes are open when they are born. They can swim within 24 hours of birth and will be exploring outside the lodge with their parents within a few days. Young beavers are weaned in about two weeks. Both the male and the female take care of the young beavers. They stay with their parents for two years. Beavers can live to be 20 years old.