Describe the first time you EVER set FOOT on a tribes server

o ok i will do this

i walk into room heading east

i see many a tribe player attacking each other in the world of tribe

i like how do i get into this kind of stuff

i say o well i know i should stand up on table and try 2 balance my self on big box may b then i can enjoy tribe

i stand up on table and put my foot onto tribe server and i m there enjoying tribe
RC on one of the Combat servers the day it came out. I walk off ledge

and die.


and die.

I rebind jets and try again

and get hurt and stuck on bottom.

"This game is gay what the fuck" I think.

I decide to try rocket jump from Team Fortress with disc.


Spent next 20 minutes DJing and eventually being told to jump first then jet.

oh ok.

Map switches to RD.

25 minute walking battle to claim the bridge ensues.
It was my first ever first person shooter on a pc. I had watched my roommate play multiple times and finally, after many pleas, he let me try it. The map was SH. I pretty much just walked around for the first 10 minutes or so trying to get the hang of using a keyboard and mouse.. Then I tried to jet.. usually I just went straight up.

As terrible as I was, there was always something magnetic about the game that always made you want more.. It still has it today. I doubt I'll ever come across another game that holds my attention the way tribes did/does.

The only thing missing today is the massive amounts of quality players in massive amounts of servers. Oh, and a ladder full of teams gunning for that #1 spot.

What ever happened to that site that went cup called the OLA (Online athletes or some shit) that pays you money to play? Still waiting on my check..
It was my first ever first person shooter on a pc. I had watched my roommate play multiple times and finally, after many pleas, he let me try it. The map was SH. I pretty much just walked around for the first 10 minutes or so trying to get the hang of using a keyboard and mouse.. Then I tried to jet.. usually I just went straight up.

As terrible as I was, there was always something magnetic about the game that always made you want more.. It still has it today. I doubt I'll ever come across another game that holds my attention the way tribes did/does.

The only thing missing today is the massive amounts of quality players in massive amounts of servers. Oh, and a ladder full of teams gunning for that #1 spot.

What ever happened to that site that went cup called the OLA (Online athletes or some shit) that pays you money to play? Still waiting on my check..

My favourite was TheCLQ. I remember spamming the shit out of some noname server as HO and getting like 200 kills in a map just so I could be #1 for a week. Then I was like "YEAH IM AMAZING - IM THE BEST IN THE WORLD WOO".

It's too bad that site is gone, there would be some wicked memories tied in there.
I was like. wow, wtf. there's stuff blowing everywhere and I was running and kinda-of flying around like a total idiot. was pretty fun
We had frequent mini lans at a friend of mine who had warez access back then so we (4 or 5 ppl) fired up the leaked beta and played scarabrea with ping 250 over a single ISDN landline. Dunno if i had a 3dfx card already back then.

I can only remember beeing inside the huge hall inside the scara base and trying to move arround. I can not remember seeing terrain at that session. I think it was just too laggy so we quit quickly and went back to play delta force or nfs2 se or what we used to play back then.

A month or two later, which was after the actual release i noticed a friend was still playing this so i watched over his shoulder and instantly got infected and started playing. But i was using a leaked beta version as my "base version" for quite a while and spend shitloads of hours downloading via irc dcc because the default patched never worked on my system that originated from the leaked beta. I bought it the first time i saw it in a shop nearby at version 1.7 or 1.8 or so. Have bought it 3 times since then.
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My buddy Ruben (then DaRkSiDe, now Makasuro) was in beta and told me to come over and check it out the day he got it in the mail. I didn't have a computer and had never played anything but Wolfenstein on floppy disk on my uncle's DOS machine. It blew my mind.

I didn't really have much fun, actually. Like I said, it was my first time playing an FPS on a computer. I just ran around looking down at the ground or at the sky. It felt impossible to keep a steady view. We were on Roger Wilco with a bunch of Makasuro's StarCraft friends who started a clan called HotA (Horsemen of the Apocalypse). They were all laughing their asses off, but I was pissed off, raging. I was embarrassed. I had never talked to people online before, and all these guys seemed really cool, and here I am newbing it up hardcore.

So, first experience was pretty frustrating. But, I'm very competitive in general and the experience convinced me to nag my mom until she was convinced to buy a computer, for school use, of course. She bought an NEC PC with a 350MHz Pentium II. It was fucking amazing. It ran Tribes awesome at 640x480 in software mode. Then, Makasuro upgraded his Voodoo 1 to a Voodoo 2, and passed the old card along to me. And life was good.

Fuck man. I love Tribes. It's depressing the state it's in. :mad:
i remember seeing tribe 4 first time in sierra interaction magazine in mid 1998

i was like "wow this game look amaze much better than police quest SWAT 2 shitty sierra game and reason i am mailed this magazine"

i find that article here it start on pg 22:

i post real 1

i m in quake2 clan w d00d name wildcard

he on icq 1 day i say hi d00 want 2 play rocket arena

he say no i m playing tribe

i ask if there r bow & arrow

he block me

i ask daddy 2 buy game we go 2 mall d00d say u dont want this u want 2 play unreal or some shiti say fuck u d00d give me tribe

i get tribe

i join server become master call server queers etc etc

c that wildcard is a member of fallen lords i ask can i join he say no u should join darkstar they r good tribe

i join meet fsb spy and mobbstah

also d00d named darkstalker he my best tribe bud then he change nick name 2 nightwarrior i m like that gay then i become very good pal w void aka gimmecookie 4 long time then i meet gon
It was 5th grade. I was visiting my rich friend's house (yes, significantly richer than I). He had a very fancy computer and a CD burner (first time I had seen such a thing). He played on broadside and shot mortars at the enemy base for 25 minutes. It was then that I knew I must play Tribe. I thought the repair pack was so OP, like omg you could repair yourself??

So he burn me a copy with his 50 lb. CD burner that looked like a big computer itsself. And then I play Tribe every day for 8 years or so.
I stumbled across tribes while in electronics boutique one day. Got home, booted up the puter and the 56k modem and first map I played on was broadside. I know I got frustrated trying to fly up to the other bases ledge. I hadn't bought the game when it first came out, about a month after release so I was getting fragged a lot. I finally got the hang of getting to the edge. Adrenaline pumping I made my way into the base, killed a guy at the 1st inv station, moved into the main room and saw 4 guys, I start mashing buttons jumping like an idiot. Kill 2 more guys, one turns around and waves at me and then kills me. Then in chat I'm told to stop shooting my own team. My first real kill came hours later LOL along with playing all night for the next few years. Fucking loved that game.

Friends asked me wtf was tribes like and the easiest explanation I found was it's like everyone is boba fett flying around killing each other.
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I played tribes first time @ friend's house. He showed me and my brother the demo.
I played on RD and ran around the entire time with the blaster. I literally said "the blaster is the best weapon" and thought so for my first few weeks. I still remember my first disc kill. Ever since that kill, I say disc is best weapon.

Mr.Cow showed FiFreeK and LaughingStork the demo.
FiFreeK download the demo on the family computer a little later.
LaughingStork sneak on computer whenever FiFreeK is sleeping and play.

Finally LaughingStork download demo on his sister's computer and play whenever she is out.