Data, We'll be at your house in 20 minutes.

Just so you know, the FBI is nowhere in my chain of command. FBI falls under the Department of Justice. I'm under the Department of Defense.
FBI could get on base pretty easily, I'm sure. Local & state cops are on base every day.
Am i the only one that has no clue what this thread is about ?

edit: i guess its because of the sig right?
edit: about that sig, i was reading the "i am a teacher in japan thing" and its pretty funny when you see how they depict anime when in reality these girls have no breast at all.
It's probably an admin. I seem to recall trying to register a similar smurf name a while back. I never got the activation e-mail.
Just so you know, the FBI is nowhere in my chain of command. FBI falls under the Department of Justice. I'm under the Department of Defense.

How does that have anything to do with being government property?