Darwin award ..you decide


Veteran XX


Boy survivor of US desert hike that killed parents returns to France

I feel sad for them and their deaths. But That does not augment the question: Do these idiots have any regard for their own preservation.

would be alive if he considered that he was in grizz country and that having a .357 is the minimum defense option. 10 out of 10 bush pilots will tell you.

parents would be alive if they hat taken more than a 20oz bottle of water into the fucking desert...
the hike they were doing was like 4 miles round trip, i dont even understand how they got caught out long enough to have any issues. They must have wandered off trail and been pretty clueless to run into issues w the heat.
Everybody dies. Darwin Awards necessitate removing one's descendants from the gene pool, not just dying of stupidity.
My bad I thought DarwOn awards were about people dying stupidly. I retract my thread.

Admin please correct thread title and name thread



Boy survivor of US desert hike that killed parents returns to France

I feel sad for them and their deaths. But That does not augment the question: Do these idiots have any regard for their own preservation.

would be alive if he considered that he was in grizz country and that having a .357 is the minimum defense option. 10 out of 10 bush pilots will tell you.

parents would be alive if they hat taken more than a 20oz bottle of water into the fucking desert...

fig1: Your chances of encountering a bear are about 1 in 2 million, per the article. Being a "skilled" hiker probably meant he'd been out several times without encountering a grizzly. Even if he'd been packing, that's still not a guarantee of survival if a bear decides to come after you. That said, I feel a little more sorry for the bear. It was just doing what comes naturally (apparently defending its cub). The article says that the guy was "partially devoured" but that doesn't mean the bear thought he was prey.

(NOTE: Though the title says "Skilled Hiker...", my browser tab reads "Seasoned hiker." :rofl:)

fig2: The kid lived, ergo the DNA pool remains polluted.
Being a "skilled" hiker probably meant he'd been out several times without encountering a grizzly. Even if he'd been packing, that's still not a guarantee of survival if a bear decides to come after you.

Being an avid hiker in yellowstone, he most certainly had seen grizzlies before. He likely came upon the bear and her cub unexpectedly (around a bend, or over a hill) and was attacked immediately, in which case a gun wouldn't help unless he had it holstered like he was living in the wild west or something.
That word does not mean what you think it means.

Im sorry. I don't know what it means in Indian then. I do know what it means and I used it where I wanted to and how I intended. Do you have anything else you would like to alert me on captain fucking internet.
does this mean u deserve a darwin award 4 lethally bad advise zool?

you mean advice...you meant advice....its ok you aren't captain fucking Vanster of the starship internets fucks have not been given.

dot dot dot
Advise is a Verb.

The people referred are dead..a verb is not suited for this context.

Its advice.