d4 and d4re... Greatness of Tribes etc...

tpk why dont u come to QuakeNet Web IRC (qwebirc) #midair and talk to midair devs. bugspray said he's willing to listen to t1 peeps and i know you'd like to share ur opinion and help them improve the game.

also tpk's input is going to do anything positive for the game most likely

he only played and was good at tribes during the hpb era anyway

What happened to my "Greatness of Tribes" giant mammoth essay on what makes Tribes great? Did it get deleted from this forum? I can't find it anywhere.

I have no plans of contributing to this game because I feel I know how developers think, and the last thing in the world they want is some "inferior nerd" that "thinks he knows stuff" coming at them telling them how to build their game. All desire to help build a Tribes game that isn't created by myself has been completely eradicated. Nobody would ever listen to me anyway.

If somebody wanted to know what I thought, or wanted my contribution, they would ask me, and that will never happen. Furthermore they could just read that essay to get at least half of what I think anyway.

Dave G, Thrax Panda, and Todd Harris have all completely obliterated any fight/motivation that I had for helping others make a Tribes game. HiReZ in particular, literally ignored every single point on my giant essay and didn't hit any single aspect of that on the mark. I don't think there is any point to getting involved.

Dare is wrong to post what he did, as he often is.

He probably agrees with 90% of what I wrote in that essay, and would agree with mostly all major points I would say to any Tribes developer. He just posts what he does for reasons I won't bother to address.

I guess I just stopped caring.

Let Archetype make their own game.

If somebody asked me to help I would help, but nobody cares, and neither do I...

I've been incredibly busy lately too, so...
all this midair talk is speculation until game comes out so bleh

but i still love u tpk ur still top10 poster in my heart
I've been getting some unexpectedly amazing response in my private message mailbox from making this thread.

Most all of what being said is very fair, accurate, and reasonable.
i have probably like the #4 best cg and like #9 best cg including auto aim's

hence, i shuold be apart of archetypes cg department

possibly even head of h_reticle department
Hasn't this happened before on other tribes remakes and similar type games? I have heard a few stories about T1 people going to help the devs on those games, but when the game is released it is completely the opposite of what anyone expected. Will there ever be a good tribes sequel?